This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

Apple Passbook Gateway


The plugin provides integration with Apple passbook server hosted by Rush Project, Inc.

The Apple Passbook Gateway employs Rest API to generate and retrieve membership cards from the server. The cards are built using information (email, name etc) of currently logged in user. The plugin also calculates email hash, which is suitable for retrieving user photo from Gravatar site. The photo may be used for the pass thumbnail image.

The plugin requires account with the Pass Gate server – free trial is available for you to evaluate the technology.

Demo site is available here.


  1. Install Apple Passbook Gateway either via the plugin directlry, or by uploading the files to your server.

  2. Activate plugin.

  3. Create pass template and generator on Pass Gate server. Use sample “wordpress” template instead of starting from scratch with all new template. The “wordpress” template is identical to the one used in the demo.

  4. Use plugin settings menu (Dashboard/Settings/Passbook Gateway) to supply Rest API connection info – the page provides a link to setup free trial account with Pass Gate.

  5. Place the [passbook-member-card] short code on appropriate page of your site. The short code will generate either member card download link or, if visitor is not logged in, login form. You may provide link text using option parameter “title”: [passbook-member-card title=”Clip your card!”]


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Contributors & Developers

“Apple Passbook Gateway” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • First release