All 404 Redirect to Homepage


By this plugin you can fix all random 404 links appear in you your website and redirect them to homepage or any other page using 301 SEO redirect. 404 error pages hurts the rank of your site in search engines. This smart plugin is a simple solution to handle 404 error pages.

How to use the plugin?

  • After installing the plugin go to the plugin control panel from settings menu.
  • Put the link where the plugin should redirect all 404 links in the text box.
  • Select the plugin status to be enabled.
  • Click the button Update Options to save the from.
  • Go to 404 URLs tab to see the latest 404 links discovered and redirected

Please make sure than the page you put above in the control panel to redirect all 404 to it is a valid link. If this page is not valid it will be considred as an 404 link and will result in redirect loop. In case of redirect loop you can simply disable the plugin and check the page is valid or not.


  • Plugin Options.
  • Latest 404 links Redirected.


Extract the zip file and just drop the contents in the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation and then activate the Plugin from Plugins page.


November 13, 2023
Seems to generate thousands of imaginary 404 errors just to sell the paid version. Seriously ?
August 29, 2022 2 replies
Suddenly i thousands of 404 urls and a message to upgrade that i cannot dismiss forever. I dont like these tactics.
June 14, 2022 2 replies
I found something interesting about this plugin 🙂 Probably it creates itself 404 links to our site to buy the premium version and fix it 🙂 The problem is a bit bigger, because google search console shows some data that is probably created by this plugin. Google normally wants to index these pages, and they are 404 errors that are redirected to the homepage. I know a little about positioning and I can say what I see. It has been going on for many years, recently the search console did not give so many errors, maybe they stopped. I’ve always wondered where these strange links come from and today that’s what I came up with 🙂 I’m thinking ok, maybe it’s some bad luck. I have the other side with the same plugin and the problem is exactly the same. I will say more, I have websites without this plugin and there are no these problems, what do you say? For 3 years, on two of my sites, this plugin created over 100,000 pages with a 404 error, several dozen of them ended up in the Google search console. `What you are doing is very bad and nasty, there are much better ways to encourage a purchase but it’s just awful. Wordpress should take care of it 🙂 I am speaking probably because it is not possible to find concrete evidence, at least I cannot but can draw conclusions These are not allegations, this is my opinion about this plugin, it gives a well deserved 1 with an exclamation mark! If you can analyze your website in this way, I invite you to this topic. Check for yourself how this wonderful plug works for you. I would love to hear the answer and also change my mind if I’m wrong but I don’t think 🙂 (sorry for the translator)
Read all 89 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“All 404 Redirect to Homepage” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • Bug fixing in “exclude media” option


  • Introducing a new feature on the plugin options page to prevent the logging of media links.


  • bg fixing in reading htaccess file


  • bg fixing in htaccess file read


  • Checking with the last version of wordpress 6.1.1
  • Changing the wording in writing some clarifications to correct the misunderstanding of some users


  • Checking with the last version of wordpress 6.1


  • fix show more link on network sites


  • show alert message if you have many broken links
  • compatibility check with wordpress 6.0


  • Bug fixing – PHP 8.1 issue


  • Tested with the latest WordPress Version


  • Addin hint to download our “Broken Images Redirection” Plugin


  • Bug fixes in function prefix


  • New feature – Replace all broken images with a custom image


  • Bug Fixes – Escaping URLs


  • Bug Fixes – sanitizing part 2


  • Bug fixes – sanitizing


  • Bug fixes


  • New GUI


  • Bug fixes in the log report


  • Bug fixes


  • fix upgrade message issue in the plugins page


  • PHP 7.2 compatibility


  • add the ability to hide message


  • PHP 7.x compatibility – Fix deprecated class issue


  • bug in calculating the broken links count (this was affecting the error message)


  • PHP 7.x compatibility


  • Fix deprecated class issue


  • Fix soft 404 url’s


  • Fix for issue that may cause infinite redirect loop


  • Support Handling all 404 error pages when using default permalink structure.