

This plugin has been closed as of March 12, 2020 and is not available for download. Reason: Guideline Violation.


February 7, 2017
6Scan is the only security plugin I found that detects vulnerabilities in your website AND fixes them without any manual work. Well Played 6Scan!
February 7, 2017
After my blog was hacked several times, I looked for a security plugin that really protects me 24X7. 6Scan’s plugin scans your website for vulnerabilities and automatically fixes them. It already found some problems and fixed them, so I have no complaints. I worked with security consultants in the past but they were too expensive. I highly recommend 6Scan to every blogger who doesn’t have the technical ability to deal with security issues.
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“6Scan Security” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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