This organization contributes 5% of their resources to the WordPress project.

More about Five for the Future


A2 Hosting was founded in 2003 by CEO, Bryan Muthig, and is a leading provider of affordable and developer-friendly hosting solutions for both WordPress web professionals and businesses around the world. Since their founding twenty years ago, they have been a proud partner to the WordPress community and a regular sponsor of WordPress events.

Since the beginning, A2 Hosting has made it their goal to provide the fastest hosting solutions possible to their customers. They have the unique advantage of owning their hardware and can customize both the hardware and software to work together seamlessly to give top speed and performance to your WordPress site. Their managed WordPress hosting plans combine the power and speed of their Turbo Shared Web Hosting with advanced tools and support to keep your server and WordPress website secure and up-to-date.

To learn more visit:


A2 Hosting sponsors 2 contributors for a total of 18 hours per week across 4 teams.

  • Community Team
  • Core Team
  • Hosting Team
  • Test Team
