This organization contributes 5% of their resources to the WordPress project.

More about Five for the Future


Rank Math was born out of the need for an SEO solution for WordPress that is complete in all sense. We are obsessed with making Rank Math the best SEO plugin for WordPress there ever was, and we feel we are on track to do that.

Rank Math started as a side-project for personal websites. We felt every major SEO plugin was lacking on some fronts and that we needed a custom solution to quench our thirst for making a complete SEO plugin that doesn’t affect a website’s loading speed too much.

After years of effort and 1000s of hours of development time, Rank Math is all we wanted it to be.


Rank Math sponsors 1 contributor for a total of 40 hours per week across 4 teams.

  • Documentation Team
  • Photos Team
  • Polyglots Team
  • Themes Team
