Display programms you want to share in a TabView with additional information.
August 6, 2010

With the wp-programmmanager plugin you are able to visualise programms, you want to share, in a TabControl. This TabControl is build by jQuery, which comes with wordpress. The plugin also keeps track how often a programm was downloaded. You can add additinal information about a programm, like a description, an installation/usage guide, a faq and information about the download. To help you, style your information the plugin uses the TinyMCE-Editor which also comes with wordpress.

It allows you to change the style of the tabcontrol, the bordercolors and backgroundcolor, on a settings page. there you can also delete the database tables, the plugin creates.

It provides Shortcode to display the outcome. To show all programms just use the following shortcode [wp-pamanager]. To show programs for a specific category use [wp-pmanager cat_id=”id”].

此外掛程式已可供下載,並可用於你的 WordPress 自助託管安裝。