
Finpose – Accounting for WooCommerce

Accounting and financial tracking tool for online stores. Track your costs, expenses, taxes and sales for timeframes you can choose.
June 9, 2022
Finpose – Accounting for WooCommerce

You can now fulfill all your WooCommerce needs without any hassle. With Finpose, you can manage tax, spendings, orders and accounts with just one plugin.

Be more productive by spending less time on mundane financial tasks. Finpose helps you manage taxes, expenses and orders with just one click – saving you hours of work every day.

Watch in action :

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New Feature (4.4.0): Transaction fees are automatically saved as expense. Available in free version.

8 Modules Included

  • Spendings Add expenses and costs under custom categories. Findout top spending categories. Export spendings data to handover to accountant.
  • Tax In addition to sales tax, tax receivables from your spendings are automatically calculated. Tax balance for each month automatically calculated.
  • Orders Filter all orders by payment method, status and amount. Customer data along with payment breakdowns are provided. Results are exportable.
  • Accounts Monitor every action from your accounts (bank account, cards, payment gateways) regarding your business.
  • Inventory (PRO) Integrated with WooCommerce stock numbers. By adding unit costs, you can track cost of goods sold (COGS) and profit margins for each product.
  • Reporting (PRO) Annual Profit Loss report with monthly breakdown is provided instantly. You can compare changes over time to see how your store is performing.
  • Vendors (PRO) Manage vendor accounts, see balances for each of them, add payments and track upcoming payments.
  • Dashboard (PRO) All financial data regarding your store operation is given on a single page. Valuable data unique to Finpose, such as Spendings per Order, Profit per Day..etc. is provided.


  • Multi language (40+ languages)
  • Multisite support
  • Access control (limited to superadmin & shop manager roles)
  • AJAX requests
  • Integrated charts
  • Data Exports

For more information please check plugin website

此外掛程式已可供下載,並可用於你的 WordPress 自助託管安裝。