

444 外掛程式
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    by Lester 'GaMerZ' Chan
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    Simple Page Ordering
    by 10up
    在標準頁面清單中使用簡易的拖放方式,對網站中的 [頁面] 內容類型及其他支援 page-attributes 的自訂內容類型進行排序。
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    Nested Pages
    by Kyle Phillips
    Nested Pages provides a drag and drop interface for managing pages & posts in the WordPress admin, while maintaining quick edit functionality.
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    Display Posts - Easy lists, grids, navigation, and more
    by Bill Erickson
    Add a listing of content on your website using a simple shortcode. Filter the results by category, author, and more.
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    CMS Tree Page View
    by Jon Christopher
    Adds a tree view of all pages & custom posts. Get a great overview + options to drag & drop to reorder & option to add multiple pages.
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    Insert Pages
    by Paul Ryan
    Insert Pages 讓使用者可以使用 Shortcode API 將 WordPress 網站的內容 (例如頁面、文章、自訂內容類型等) 插入其他 WordPress 內容中。
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    Widgets on Pages
    by Todd Halfpenny
    The easiest and highest rated way to Add Widgets or Sidebars to Posts and Pages using Visual editor, shortcodes or template tags.
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    Essential Widgets
    by Catch Plugins
    Essential Widgets is a WordPress plugin for widgets that allows you to create and add amazing widgets with high customization option on your website w …
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    Tag Pages
    by Bjorn Wijers
    Add tags to Pages, just as you would do with Posts
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    My Private Site
    by David Gewirtz
    Create a Private Site visible only to your registered users.
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    Post Tags and Categories for Pages
    by curtismchale
    Adds the built in WordPress categories and tags to your pages.
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    HTML Page Sitemap
    Adds an HTML (Not XML) sitemap of your pages (not posts) by entering the shortcode [html_sitemap], perfect for those who use WordPress as a CMS.
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    Disable Author Archives
    by freemp
    Disable Author Archives completely removes author archives and makes the web server return status code 404 ('Not Found') instead.
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    by Jesper van Engelen
    Add posts, pages, categories and custom post types and taxonomy terms in bulk! Managing vast amounts of content made a walk in the park!
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    Posts in Page
    by IvyCat, Inc.
    Easily add one or more posts to any page using simple shortcodes.
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    No Page Comment
    by Seth Alling
    An admin interface to control the default comment and trackback settings on new posts, pages and custom post types.
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    WP PageNavi Style
    by snilesh
    Adds a more styling options to Wp-PageNavi wordpress plugin.
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    by Jonathan Christopher
    Attachments allows you to simply append any number of items from your WordPress Media Library to Posts, Pages, and Custom Post Types
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    WP Theme Test
    by Nakashima Masahiro
    The theme can be changed and displayed to only logged in users.
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    Bulk Datetime Change
    by Katsushi Kawamori
    Bulk change date/time for posts.