
Custom Query Blocks

Map your archives to pages. Map 404 and term archives as well.
July 10, 2024
Custom Query Blocks

A WordPress plugin for displaying posts and terms (e.g., categories) using a Gutenberg block. Works well with posts, pages, custom post types, taxonomies, and terms.

Bonus: archive mapping.

Note: (2021-07-28) The blocks are deprecated as there are better custom query items and the new Query block in WordPress 5.8. Thank you for trying us out.

  • Map your post type archives to a page for customization of the post type archive page.
  • Map your category archives to a page for customization of the term archive page.
  • Map your 404 template to a page and easily customize your 404 page.

View Documentation and Overview

The plugin currently has three blocks:

Post Type Archive Mapping

This plugin allows you to map your custom post type archive pages. Just create a page and go to Settings->Reading to set the page for your archive.

Ensure your post types have has_archive set to true.

  • Select a Public page to use as your post type archive page.
  • View the archive and you will see the page content instead of the archive content.
  • Use page templates on your pages for flexibility.
  • Custom Gutenberg block for showing your posts.

Term Archive Mapping

This plugin also allows you to map your term archives to a page. Just create a page and go edit your term to set the archive page.

  • Create a public page to use as your term archive.
  • Visit the edit term page and select the page.
  • View the term and you will see your selected page.
  • Use Gutenberg on your public page to customize the archive.

404 Page Mapping

This plugin allows you to map a page to your 404 template, so you can customize a 404 page as needed.

Development is on GitHub

Development is on GitHub

此插件可供下载,可用于您的 WordPress 自托管安装。