

358 个插件
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    Custom Post Type Permalinks
    Edit the permalink of custom post type.
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    Page Links To
    作者Mark Jaquith
    Lets you make a WordPress page (or port or other content type) link to a URL of your choosing (on your site, or on another site), instead of its norma …
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    Custom Permalinks
    作者Sami Ahmed Siddiqui
    Set custom permalinks on a per-post, per-tag or per-category basis.
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    Flexy Breadcrumb
    Flexy Breadcrumb is a super light weight plugin that is easy to navigate through current page hierarchy.
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    Title and Nofollow For Links (Classic Editor)
    The plugin adds a title and a rel="nofollow" checkbox to the insert link popup box. Only for Classic Editor, NOT Block Editor.
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    VK Link Target Controller
    Redirect your visitors to another page than the post content when they click on the post title.
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    rus to lat advanced
    作者Dmitry Fatakov
    Russian filename and link (from title) translitter for Wordpress.
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    Nofollow for external link
    Automatically insert rel=nofollow and target=_blank to all the external links into your website posts, pages or menus. Support exclude domain.
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    Autologin Links
    作者Paul Konstantin Gerke
    WARNING: THIS PLUGIN CAN BE INSECURE IF NOT USED CAUTIOUSLY. Allows selected users to autologin to your WordPress website via autologin links.
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    Custom Meta Widget
    Clone of the standard Meta widget plus options to hide log in/out, admin, feed and WordPress.org/custom links.
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    Link Juice Keeper
    作者George Pattichis
    Improve your SEO and keep your link juice by automatically redirecting all 404 errors to any page/post/url. User friendly options and log feature.
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    Link Library
    作者Yannick Lefebvre
    The purpose of this plugin is to add the ability to output a list of link categories and a complete list of links with notes and descriptions.
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    Ambrosite Next/Previous Post Link Plus
    作者J. Michael Ambrosio
    Upgrades the next/previous post link functions to reorder or loop adjacent post navigation links, display post thumbnails, and customize link format.
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    Track The Click
    作者Track The Click
    Track how many clicks your links get, either locally or through integration with Google Analytics.
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    Read More Excerpt Link
    作者Tim Eckel
    Create "Read More" link after post excerpt instead of ellipsis [...] Also modify excerpt length.
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    Restore Link Title Field
    Adds back the missing "title" field in the Insert/Edit URL box in WordPress 4.2
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    Log Out Shortcode
    作者OM4 Software
    Easily add a log out link or button to a post or page using a simple shortcode.
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    Hyperlink Group Block
    Combine blocks into a group wrapped with an hyperlink (<a>).
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    Improved External Products for WooCommerce
    作者WP Overnight
    Opens links to external/affiliate products in a new tab.