Gwolle Guestbook för Wordpress är exakt den gästbok du söker efter. Vacker och enkel.
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March 18, 2024
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Gwolle Guestbook

Gwolle Guestbook is the WordPress guestbook you’ve just been looking for. Beautiful and easy. Gwolle Guestbook is not just another guestbook for WordPress. The goal is to provide an easy and slim way to integrate a guestbook into your WordPress powered site. Don’t use your ’comment’ section the wrong way – install Gwolle Guestbook and have a real guestbook.

Nuvarande funktioner inkluderar:

  • Easy to use guestbook frontend with a simple form for visitors of your website.
  • List of guestbook entries at the frontend with pagination or infinite scroll.
  • Widget för att visa ett utdrag av ditt senaste eller dina bästa inlägg.
  • Simple and clean admin interface that integrates seamlessly into WordPress admin.
  • Dashboard Widget to easily manage the latest entries from your Admin Dashboard.
  • Enkel import från andra gästböcker till Gwolle Guestbook.
  • Avisering via e-post när ett nytt inlägg har publicerats.
  • Moderation, so that you can check an entry before it is visible in your guestbook (optional).
  • 7 anti-spam features, like Honeypot, Nonce, Form Timeout, Akismet, Stop Forum Spam and Custom Quiz Question.
  • Simple Form Builder to select which form-fields you want to use.
  • Simple Entry Builder with the parts of each entry that you want to show.
  • Flera gästböcker är möjliga.
  • Multisite stöds.
  • Localization. Own languages can be added very easily through GlotPress.
  • Admins can add a reply to each entry.
  • A log for each entry, so that you know which member of the staff released and edited a guestbook-entry to the public and when.
  • IP-address and host-logging with link to WHOIS query site.
  • RSS-flöde.
  • BBcode, Emoji och Smiley integration (valfritt).
  • Easy uninstall routine for complete removal of all database changes.

… and all that integrated in the stylish WordPress look.


You may have another guestbook installed. That’s great, because Gwolle Guestbook enables you to import entries easily. The importer does not delete any of your data, so you can go back to your previous setup without loss of data, if you want to. Trying Gwolle Guestbook is as easy as 1-2-3.

Import is supported from:

  • DMSGuestbook.
  • WordPress-kommentarer från ett specifikt inlägg, sida eller bara alla kommentarer.
  • Gwolle Guestbook itself, with Export supported as well (CSV-file).


Om du har ett problem eller önskar nya funktioner, publicera det på tilläggets supportforum på Jag ska göra mitt bästa för att svara så snart som möjligt.

Om du skickar e-post till mig kommer jag inte att svara. Använd supportforumet.


Translations can be added very easily through GlotPress. You can start translating strings there for your locale. They need to be validated though, so if there’s no validator yet, and you want to apply for being validator (PTE), please post it on the support forum. I will make a request on make/polyglots to have you added as validator for this plugin/locale.


Kolla in demo på


Gwolle Guestbook: The Add-On is the add-on for Gwolle Guestbook that gives extra functionality for your guestbook.

Nuvarande funktioner inkluderar:

  • Meta Fields. Add any field you want; company, phone number, you name it.
  • Social Media Sharing (optional).
  • Star Ratings, with voting and display and Rich Snippets for SEO (optional).
  • Genomsnittligt stjärnbetyg per gästbok.
  • Gilla ett inlägg och visa antal gillamarkeringar för varje inlägg.
  • Preview for the frontend form.
  • Preview for the admin editor form.
  • Automatisk uppdatering av gästbokslistan med nya inlägg.
  • Admin reply on the frontend with AJAX.
  • Edit content/author/origin of entry on the frontend with AJAX.
  • Rapportera missbruk.
  • Easy String Replacement in the default text so you can make this guestbook into a review section or anything you want.
  • Delete button in each entry for the moderator and author (optional).
  • Permalink button in each entry for easy access (optional).
  • E-postknapp för att kontakta varje författare (valfritt).
  • Upload Images through the form. (Only for Author, Editor and Administrator with capability ’gwolle_gb_upload_files’) (optional).
  • Sitemap support for popular SEO/Sitemap plugins.
  • Auto Anonymize timer (optional).
  • Auto Delete timer (optional).

You can buy the Add-On at ZenoWeb Webshop for only 15 Euro.

Demo med ”The Add-On”

Check out the demo with the Add-On enabled at


Detta tillägg är kompatibelt med ClassicPress.


Detta tillägg är också tillgängligt i Codeberg.

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