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Change Your Email Address

The email address registered with your account is your unique identifier to verify ownership of your account and website. This guide will help you update your account’s email address.

Change My Email Address

To update the email address on your account, follow these steps:

  1. Click on your profile at
  2. On the left side, click on Account Settings.
  3. In the box labeled Email address, type your new email address.
  4. Click the “Save account settings” button.
  5. Wait a moment for an email to arrive in your inbox with a link to confirm your ownership of the new email address.
    • The confirmation email will have the subject line “[] New Email Address.” Check your spam and promotional folders if you don’t see the email in your inbox.
  6. Click the confirmation link in the email to confirm the change and update the email on your account.

If the email address you want to use has already been used to create an account on, you’ll see the message “That e-mail address is already being used.” at the top right when you try to save changes. Each email address can be associated with only one account at a time.


We strongly recommend that you do not use a custom domain email or a school/work email as your account email address. If your custom domain or the email associated with it stops working, you may lose access to your account as well.

Your account email address is where billing, password recovery, and support emails are sent. You can set up a free email address through yahoo, gmail, or another provider.

Should you contact us for assistance via email, be sure to send the email from the email address currently registered with the account. This is the email address we use to prove ownership of your account.

Reuse an Email Address

Each account must have a unique email address. If you first change the email address on your account to something else not already in use, it will free up that email address for you to use with another account.

When you close your account, your email address remains in our system for 30 days. This means that you cannot use your newly-closed account’s email address to sign up for a new account. However, once the 30 days have passed and your account is purged, your email will be free to use with a new account.

Change the Admin Email Address

This section of the guide applies to sites with the Creator and Entrepreneur plans, and the legacy Pro plan. For sites on the free, Starter, and Explorer plans, upgrade your plan to access this feature.

The dashboard and the WP Admin dashboard use different credentials. Secure Sign-On (SSO) is a feature enabled by default on to allow you to use the same login credentials you use for the dashboard to quickly sign in to your WP Admin dashboard.

However, when you change your account’s email address, the administration email address doesn’t change automatically and therefore should be updated manually by following these steps:

  1. Visit your site’s WP-Admin dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Settings → General.
  3. Update the “Administration Email Address” field with the new email address.
  4. Click the “Save Changes” button at the bottom.
  5. Check the inbox of the new email address you used for a confirmation email.
    • Check your spam and promotional folders if you don’t see the email in your inbox.
  6. Click the link in the confirmation email to complete the change.

Changing the admin email address will not affect your account’s email address. Each email address is managed separately.


Please take time and review the privacy policy.

When you use your account to subscribe to a blog or leave a comment, your email address is made available to the owner of the site.

If you are uncomfortable with revealing your email address before posting a comment, log out of before leaving a comment. You will still have to leave an email address, but it will be your choice as to what you enter. Some blogs will require you to be logged in to make a comment – in that case, you cannot. Other blogs may support anonymous comments.

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