
WP-Stateless — Google Cloud Storage

Загружайте и обслуживайте свои медиафайлы WordPress из Google Cloud Storage.
Последние изменения
June 27, 2024
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WP-Stateless — Google Cloud Storage

Загружайте и обслуживайте медиафайлы WordPress из Google Cloud Storage (GCS) с помощью плагина WP-Stateless. Всего через две минуты вы сможете получать медиафайлы с распределенных серверов Google Cloud.

New to Google Cloud? Google is offering you a $300 credit to get you started.


  • Store and deliver media files on Google Cloud Storage instead of your server.
  • Google Cloud Storage is geo-redundant, meaning your media is delivered by the closest server — reducing latency and improving page speed.
  • Scale your WordPress website across multiple servers without the need of synchronizing media files.
  • Native integration between Google Cloud Storage and WordPress.
  • $300 free trial from Google Cloud. Nice!


  • Backup — Upload media files to Google Storage and serve local file urls.
  • CDN — Copy media files to Google Storage and serve them directly from there.
  • Ephemeral — Store and serve media files with Google Cloud Storage only. Media files are not stored locally, but local storage is used temporarily for processing and is required for certain compatibilities.
  • Stateless — Store and serve media files with Google Cloud Storage only. Media files are not stored locally.


  • Setup assistant makes getting started fast and easy.
  • No need to manually create service accounts or buckets — handled automatically.
  • Settings panel provides you with further GCS configuration and file url customization.
  • Mask the default GCS URL with your own custom domain.
  • Automatically replace hardcoded media URLs with GCS equivalents in post editor and meta.
  • Batch image thumbnail regeneration.
  • Synchronization tools for uploading existing files and images.
  • All settings supported with wp-config constants and network setting overrides.
  • Multiple modes: Backup, CDN, Ephemeral, Stateless.
  • All files served in HTTPS mode.
  • Serverless platform compatible, including Google App Engine.
  • Multisite compatible.


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