
reCAPTCHA for GiveWP

Quickly & easily integrate Google reCAPTCHA into your GiveWP donation forms to help prevent spam and fraudulent transactions.
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February 10, 2022
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reCAPTCHA for GiveWP

You already know GiveWP is one of the highest rated, most downloaded, and best supported donation plugins for WordPress — so do spammers and credit card thieves. That’s why we created reCAPTCHA for Give.

Donation forms are a favorite target for spam bots and fraudsters looking to test stolen credit card numbers. It can become a serious issue, affecting site performance & lead to your payment gateway suspending or even closing your account. That’s where Google’s reCAPTCHA comes in.

How reCAPTCHA works

reCAPTCHA uses an advanced risk analysis engine & adaptive challenges to keep malicious software from engaging in abusive activities on your site. Meanwhile, legitimate users will be able to login, make purchases, view pages, or create accounts and fake users will be blocked.

reCAPTCHA may not be the best option

reCAPTCHA may not be the best option for some sites. It could slow down the donation experience, look unsightly and may harm your donations more than benefit them. Luckily there’s a great alternative to reCAPTCHA that supports GiveWP donation forms, WordPress Zero Spam.

If you’re still receiving high amounts of spam and fraudulent transactions, reCAPTCHA is a great option as your last line of defense.

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