
GeoMeta For ACF

Store real spatial data with Advanced Custom Fields, using the WP-GeoMeta library.
Последние изменения
March 4, 2017
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GeoMeta For ACF

GeoMeta for ACF is an easy way to store location information about posts, pages, users or other content types that ACF supports. The default input is a map with drawing tools to let the user draw markers, lines and polygons. Alternatively you can accept latitude and longitude values, or raw GeoJSON text.

GeoMeta for ACF supports for both ACF version 4 and 5.

Why use GeoMeta for ACF instead of one of the other map inputs for ACF?

GeoMeta for ACF uses WP-GeoMeta under the hood, which means that you’re actually storing spatial meta data, not just text. With the WP-GeoMeta library you have access to all of the spatial functions MySQL supports to search and filter your WordPress posts and users.


This ACF field type is compatible with:

  • ACF 5 / ACF Pro
  • ACF 4


Metavalues for terms (Categories/Tags) were stored in wp_options up until ACF Pro 5.5.0. GeoMeta for ACF will still display a map or other input field for terms in previous versions of ACF, but since the values aren’t stored in the wp_termmeta table, they won’t be picked up for inclusion in the spatial table and spatial searches on them will fail.

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