
Offload, AI & Optimize with Cloudflare Images

Разгрузка изображения из вашей библиотеки файлов в сервис Cloudflare Images. Сохраняйте, изменяйте размер, оптимизируйте и доставляйте изображения быстрым и безопасным способом.
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July 16, 2024
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Offload, AI & Optimize with Cloudflare Images

Offload your media library to Cloudflare Images and let it handle everything for you — store, resize, optimize and deliver images in the best possible format to your users.

Why Overpay for CDN Plugins?

With the avalanche of expensive plugins out there, it’s time to switch to a smarter choice. Why should you pay more for something that deserves to be free?

Simplify Your Image Management

Offload your media library to Cloudflare Images! Let our plugin take charge:

  • Store your images securely;
  • Resize images to perfection without any manual hassle;
  • Optimize them to ensure they load blazingly fast;
  • Deliver in the most user-friendly format, ensuring satisfaction at every user’s end.

But wait, there’s more!

Image CDN — deliver images from a global network of servers. Image AI — tag, caption and generate new images using AI. Compression — optimize JPEG/PNG images to decrease file size without compromising visual quality.

A Developer’s Promise

Born from personal need, this plugin represents a developer’s dedication to the community. While it’s still a work in progress, remember – it’s crafted with real user needs in mind, not profit.

Your Feedback Makes Us Better

Found a hiccup? Yearning for a feature? Just shoot us a support request. Our commitment is to continually evolve to serve you better. Your wish is our command!


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Special thanks to the plugin sponsors:

WordPress Agency this:matters

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