Расширьте возможности сайта с помощью плагинов

Добавьте вашему сайту новые возможности и функции с помощью тысяч плагинов.

23 плагинов
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    Speculative Loading
    Автор WordPress Performance Team
    Enables browsers to speculatively prerender or prefetch pages when hovering over links.
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    Pre* Party Resource Hints
    Автор Sam Perrow
    Take advantage of browser resource hints and plug-and-play features to improve page load time.
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    Preload Featured Images
    Автор WPZOOM
    Preload Featured Images automatically in posts to increase the PageSpeed Score.
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    Quicklink for WordPress
    Автор WP Munich
    ⚡️ Faster subsequent page-loads by prefetching in-viewport links during idle time.
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    Preload Images
    Автор ravipatel
    Similar to DNS prefetching, image preloading/prefetching with JavaScript to get faster page loading experience.
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    HTTP/2 Server Push
    Автор David Michael Ross
    Enables HTTP/2 server push for local JavaScript and CSS resources.
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    Better Resource Hints
    Автор Alex MacArthur
    Better Resource Hints will make your WordPress site or application faster and generally more performant by intelligently leveraging resource hints lik …
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    Simple DNS Prefetch
    Автор andrewmoof
    Adds (or removes) DNS prefetching meta tags to your site and speeds up your page load speed.
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    WordPress Instant Articles
    Автор khromov, titanas
    WordPress Instant Articles dramatically improves user experience and site speed with page pre-render, DNS prefetch, Link Prefetch, HTML5 subresource
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    Oxyplug Prefetch & Prerender
    Автор OxyPlug
    Faster loading next pages by prerendering/prefetching all links a user hovers or addresses you prefer. It improves UX and Core Web Vitals score.
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    WP Instant Links
    Автор Kevin Batdorf
    Have your site’s pages load instantly without having to do any custom coding.
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    Image Preloading
    Автор pandasilk
    Similar to DNS prefetching, image preloading/prefetching with JavaScript to get faster page loading experience.
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    Prerender and Prefetch
    Автор FranTorres
    Puts Prerender and Prefetch tag in the page. Allowing compatible navigators to do a pre-load of the page you figure the visitor is going to go.
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    DNS Prefetch
    Автор Jimmy Peña
    Adds dns prefetching meta tags to your site.
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    Preload Featured Image
    Автор Yoo Digital
    Preload Featured Image automatically in posts to increase the PageSpeed Score.
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    SM - Prefetch
    Автор Sulaiman Misri
    SM Fetch is built to make your website load blazing fast using Prefetch Algorithm. In order to make this plugin work perfectly, you need to :
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    LH HTTP/2 Server Push
    Автор Peter Shaw
    Does HTTP/2 Server Push for JavaScript and CSS resources properly.
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    Auto Prefetch URL in Viewport
    Автор Wong Siong Kiat
    Automatically prefetch all links(URLs) in the viewport and make your website page load faster like a rocket.
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    Prefetch visible links
    Автор Alex Kozack
    Preloads the page before the visitor clicks on the link.
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    Mobile Booster
    Автор Takanakui
    Need some help with the mobile website experience? Need to keep your mobile visitors engaged? Need to increase your shop website sales conversion?