Расширьте возможности сайта с помощью плагинов

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86 плагинов
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    Автор Lester 'GaMerZ' Chan
    Adds a more advanced paging navigation interface.
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    Автор Max Foundry
    WP-Paginate is a simple and flexible pagination plugin which provides users with better navigation on your WordPress site.
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    WP PageNavi Style
    Автор snilesh
    Adds a more styling options to Wp-PageNavi wordpress plugin.
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    Pagination by BestWebSoft - Customizable WordPress Content Splitter and Navigation Plugin
    Автор BestWebSoft
    Добавляйте настраиваемую пагинацию на ваш сайт WordPress. Разбивайте объемный контент на несколько страниц для лучшей навигации.
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    Автор Beaver6813, dirkhaim, Paul Irish, benbalter, Glenn Nelson
    Automatically append the next page of posts (via AJAX) to your page when a user scrolls to the bottom.
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    Styles For WP Pagenavi Addon - Better design for post pagination
    Автор WP OnlineSupport, Essential Plugin
    Adds a more styling options to Wp-PageNavi WordPress plugin OR the_posts_pagination() WordPress navigation function.
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    Faster Pagination
    Автор FasterThemes
    Faster Pagination is a custom pagination plugin specially for themes developed by FasterThemes.
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    SX No Homepage Pagination
    Автор Daniel Roch - SeoMix
    The plugin removes properly any homepage pagination (whatever plugin or function you are using).
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    TW Pagination
    Автор Igor Vučković
    TW Pagination is a simple and flexible pagination plugin which provides users with better navigation on your WordPress site.
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    WP Ajax Load More Pagination and Infinite Scroll
    Автор Processby
    Loading paged content with Ajax.
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    Alphabetic Pagination
    Автор Fahad Mahmood
    Alphabetic pagination is a great plugin to filter your posts/pages and WooCommerce products with alphabets. It is simple to use and easy to understand …
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    Name: WP Exclude From Homepage
    Автор iziwebavenir
    Exclude categories, tags, posts or pages from your homepage (without breaking pagination)
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    WooCommerce Order Navigation
    Автор woosmartcod.com
    Provides a simple interface for administrators and shop managers, help them to navigate through WooCommerce Orders inside order edit screen, without t …
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    SX No author Pagination
    Автор Daniel Roch - SeoMix
    SX No author Pagination removes properly any author pagination and redirects useless paginated content.
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    List category posts with pagination
    Автор Mukesh patel.
    List Category Posts with pagination allows you to list posts from a category into a post or page using the [mycatlist] shortcode.
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    Single Page Pagination
    Автор onest.by
    A simple plugin that displays next and previous links on single post pages. Posts are ordered chronologically.
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    Back and Forward Button
    Автор Tawhidur Rahman Dear
    Add ◄ and ► button anywhere in website matching theme color and style
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    CPTA Pagination
    Автор Naveenkumar C
    It's a simple custom post type ajax pagination plugin.
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    Simplistic page navi
    Автор Hironori Masuda
    This plugin displays a linked list by page number. It is simple but has several features.
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    Pagination by HocWP Team
    Автор HocWP Team
    Pagination by HocWP Team is a pagination plugin that allows to set up navigation on WordPress site.