Recipes for WordPress done right.
Última atualização
February 5, 2017
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The Recipes plugin allows you to write recipes, add ingredients and steps with simplicity in mind.

Create your recipes, add ingredients, steps, a short description as well as a full description and recipe categories! Includes support for featured images and an easy to use template.

  • 100% opensource.
  • Recipe Custom Post Type.
  • Recipe Categories (Custom taxonomy).
  • Recipe Tags (Custom taxonomy).
  • Single-field Ingredients.
  • Easy to add recipe steps.
  • Recipe featured image.
  • Easy to use templating system. Just create a recipes folder in your theme, copy any of the templates in the plugin’s templates folder and edit to your liking.
  • Customizer integration: disable template parts or reorder them.
  • Uses the Kirki plugin for the customizer, however if you don’t want to use the customizer features it is not required.
  • Compatible with most themes out of the box.
  • underscores.js-powered admin interface.
  • Developed on Github.
  • Support via the Github Issues Queue.
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