Flexibilize os recursos do seu site com plugins

Adicione novas funcionalidades e integrações ao seu site com milhares de plugins.

42 plugins
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    XML Sitemap & Google News
    por RavanH
    XML and Google News Sitemaps to feed the hungry spiders. Multisite, WP Super Cache, Polylang and WPML compatible.
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    Virtual Robots.txt
    por Marios Alexandrou
    Virtual Robots.txt automatically creates a robots.txt file for your site. Your robots.txt file can be easily edited from the plugin settings page.
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    WP Robots Txt
    por George Pattichis
    WP Robots Txt Allows you to edit the content of your robots.txt file.
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    Robots.txt Editor
    por Processby
    Robots.txt for WordPress
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    WordPress Robots.txt optimizer (+ XML Sitemap) – Boost SEO, Traffic & Rankings
    por Pagup
    All-in-One SEO plugin for Wordpress Robots.txt optimization with XML Sitemap detection (Yoast, Rank Math, ...), Woocommerce booster, Robots.
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    Companion Sitemap Generator - HTML & XML
    por Papin Schipper
    Easy to use XML and HTML sitemap generator + Robots editor
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    410 for WordPress
    por Samir Shah
    A plugin that sends HTTP 410 (Gone) responses to requests for articles that no longer exist on your blog.
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    Noindex Pages
    por Radley Sustaire
    Ask search engines not to index individual pages by checking an option in the publish post box.
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    mypace Custom Meta Robots
    por Kei Nomura (mypacecreator)
    Description: This plugin allows you to edit the meta robots tag at every singular post(posts, pages, custom post types). This is a very simple plugin.
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    Robots.txt rewrite
    por Eugen Bobrowski
    Provide the easy managment of your robots.txt from admin side. It propose you the advanced then standard robots.txt content too.
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    Multipart robots.txt editor
    por Viktor Szépe
    Customize your site's robots.txt and include remote content to it
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    Magic robots.txt
    por ABCdatos
    This plugin automatically creates a robots.txt analyzing your site to improve your Google ranking and site performance.
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    DL Robots.txt
    por Dyadya Lesha (info@dd-l.name)
    DL Robots.txt Позволяет редактировать содержимое вашего файла robots.txt
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    Cryptex | E-Mail Address Protection
    por Andi Dittrich
    Cryptex transforms plain-text E-Mail-Addresses into Images - automatically - No scrapers. No harvesters. No spambots. That's our goal!
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    Robots.txt Quick Editor
    por Davide Airaghi
    Plugin to edit robots.txt file
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    Advanced Robots.txt Optimizer & Editor
    por Big Techies
    The "Advanced Robots.txt Optimizer & Editor" WordPress plugin enhances website functionality, SEO and traffic management by allowing use …
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    Search engines blocked warning
    por Apasionados
    Shows a warning in the WordPress administration header when the option "Search Engine Visibility: Discourage search engines from indexing this si …
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    Block Archive.org via WordPress robots.txt
    por Apasionados, Apasionados del Marketing
    Blocks the archive.org bots through the WordPress virtual robots.txt file.
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    Noindex Attachment Pages
    por Jose A Ruiz
    Add META ROBOTS NOINDEX to Attachment Pages in WordPress for better SEO
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    Robots & Sitemap
    por VO3DA Team
    Plugin allows easily generate sitemap.xml filе, create and edit robots.txt for your single site or multisite