The easiest way to manage your organization's job openings, and allow candidates to submit their resumes through your website.
Last updated
April 8, 2017
Active installations
WP Job Portal by Jane

WP Job Portal displays your jobs on your careers page, allows candidates to apply online through your website, and then organizes their resumes in your very own applicant tracking system (ATS). Being shortcode based, WP Job Portal works with any theme, is really simple to setup, and best of all is FREE!


  • Create a careers page or enable your existing careers page to automatically display new job openings

  • Create or edit new job openings

  • Invite team members to create new job openings

  • Allow candidates to apply online by uploading their resumes and cover letters (if desired)

  • Organize candidate resumes by job in our free applicant tracking system (ATS) instead of in your inbox

  • Rate candidate resumes and take notes

  • Use our widget to list job openings on page sidebars and footers

  • Create unique pages for specific jobs and add featured images

  • Job listings and job pages automatically adopt your theme’s unique styles

The plugin comes with two types of shortcodes:

  1. The main shortcode lists all your job openings

  2. Each job gets a unique shortcode that can be placed in any page or post

Read more about WP Job Portal.


The WP Job Portal by Jane plugin uses the features of through its own API.

If specified during plugin setup, the API will create a new Janehires account for you.

Once installed, the plugin will use the API to display your company’s jobs within: a careers page, a widget, and a shortcode – all of which is fully customizable by you.

Freeon Creator plan
Active installations
Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.