Efficient many-to-many connections between posts, pages, custom post types, users.
Last updated
April 11, 2024
Active installations
Posts 2 Posts

This plugin allows you to create many-to-many relationships between posts of any type: post, page, custom etc. A few example use cases:

  • manually curated lists of related posts
  • post series
  • products connected to retailers
  • etc.

Additionally, you can create many-to-many relationships between posts and users. So, you could also implement:

  • favorite posts of users
  • multiple authors per post
  • etc.

Support & Maintenance

AyeCode Ltd have committed to security and maintenance updates due to this plugins requirement in our List Manager Extension.

~~I, scribu, will not be offering support (either free or paid) for this plugin anymore.~~

If you want to help maintain the plugin, fork it on github and open pull requests.

Links: Documentation | Plugin News | Author’s Site

Freeon Creator plan
Active installations
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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.