Making internationalization/localization in WordPress faster than ever before.
Last updated
April 12, 2024
Active installations
Performant Translations

This project uses a new approach to handle translation files in WordPress, making localization blazing fast.

An in-depth i18n performance analysis showed that localized WordPress sites load significantly slower than a site without translations.

With this plugin’s new approach to localization, this overhead is massively reduced, making your site fast again.

If your site is using a language other than English (US), you should see immediate speed improvements simply by activating this plugin.

WordPress 6.5 and newer

Important: this new functionality has been merged into WordPress 6.5! However, this plugin is still useful!

On WordPress 6.5+, this plugin automatically converts existing .mo files to .php and afterwards only loads the translations from the .php file. This is useful for cases where language packs are not downloaded from but somewhere else.

Freeon Creator plan
Active installations
Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.