Creates a custom post type to display info about members of your group or organization.
Last updated
December 8, 2016
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This is not a membership plugin.

Create individual posts to display information about the members or your organization. Includes a shortcode to generate a grid based archive of your members.

The Member post type includes the following fields:

  • Basic content editor
  • Featured image
  • Member title
  • *Contact info – Unlimited title/desciption fields
  • *Social links – Unlimited list of social site icons/links
  • *Social links target
  • *Twitter handle – Add the member’s Twitter handle

*Use these fields in conjuction with Metaphor Widgets to display this info on each single Member post sidebar.

Member Archive Shortcode

Attributes * posts_per_age – Set the number of members to display per page. Default: 9. * columns – Set the number of columns in the grid. Default: 3. * excerpt_length – The length of the post excerpt. This will max out at the set excerpt length of your theme. Default: 80. * excerpt_more – The display of the ‘more’ link of the excerpt. Wrap text in curly brackets to create a permalink to the post. Default: &hellip. * assets – Set the order of the archive post assets. Set as a string with assets separated by commas. Available assets are: thumbnail name social title excerpt. Default: thumbnail,name,social,title,excerpt.

Shortcode Examples

[mtphr_members_archive] [mtphr_members_archive posts_per_page="6" columns="4" excerpt_length="200" excerpt_more="{View info}" assets="thumbnail,name,excerpt"]
Freeon Creator plan
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This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.