Create unlimited Team Showcases and display them through a generated shortcode. Easily.
Last updated
August 27, 2020
Active installations
JWD Teams

JWD Teams is a powerful plugin that allows you to create an infinite number of Team Showcases and easily display them through a generated shortcode. It also comes with plenty of customization options.

Main Features

  • Just copy/paste the shortcode in your page/post. No other argument needed. Use the Team Showcase settings panel to customize your showcase.
  • Generate unlimited Team Showcases.
  • Unlimited color scheme for all output elements.
  • Builtin fields for image, contact details & description for each member.
  • Six builtin fields for the most popular social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google+, YouTube and Instagram.
  • Drag & Drop member ordering.
  • Each Team Showcase comes with its own intuitive Settings panel for easy customization.
  • Fully Responsive And Clean Design.
  • Custom CSS section for each Team Showcase.
  • Tested with most wordpress popular themes.
  • Cross-Browser full compatibility.
  • Highly optimised JS/CSS loading so that assets only load on pages or posts where the shortcode is present.

Built-in customization options

  • Two output layout types: Vertical or Horizontal.
  • Five items per row grid for Vertical layout.
  • Three items per row for Horizontal layout.
  • Two image output shapes: Rounded or Square.
  • Two ways to display the member’s description: List item or Tooltip. Tooltip description will show up when hovering over the image.
  • Text Align: Left, Center, Right.
  • Justity description independently.
  • Changeable “Read More” label for description excerpt.
  • Deactivate “Read More” if full description is needed.
  • Easily customize Font Color for all output elements (Unlimited options).
  • Easily customize Font Size for all output elements.
  • Easily customize Description Lenght if displayed as “List Item” (Range: 50 to 500 characters).


Freeon Creator plan
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Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.