Plugin to pull a job board from via their API.
Last updated
April 3, 2018
Active installations
Greenhouse Job Board

Plugin to pull a job board from via their API and display it on your WordPress site. Use a shortcode with your URL Token to pull the data. Find your URL token on this page when you are logged into your greenhouse account. Place [greenhouse url_token="your_url_token"] in your page or post.


  • Must have a greenhouse account.
  • Enter your URL Token & API key.

Initial Setup:

  • For ease of use, setup your URL Token within Settings->Greenhouse. (NOTE: you can also set this inline with shortcode attributes.)
  • Add shortcode or use the wizard to add a job board to any page or post.

Know the code!

  • To post your job board on a page, simply add the shortcode: [greenhouse]. By default, this will display all of the postings you currently have, along with the forms for applying. These forms are actually hosted at

Current Features of the [greenhouse] shortcode:

Filter the jobs displayed. These filters can be combined to create complex filters.

Department Filtering

  • Want to filter results by department? Show only one deparment or a couple? Exclude a whole department?
  • Add the department_filter attribute: [greenhouse department_filter="Value1|Value2"]
  • supports single or multiple values, pipe-delimited
  • supports either using the department name OR the department id as the value.
  • supports negated values – Excludes department(s) and display others. (example: department_filter="-Value3|-Value4")

Job Filtering

  • Want to filter results by job? display only specific jobs? Exclude specific jobs?
  • Add the job_filter attribute: [greenhouse job_filter="Value1|Value2"]
  • supports single or multiple values, pipe-delimited
  • supports either using the job title OR the job id as the value.
  • supports negated values – Excludes this job and show others. (example: job_filter="-Value3|-Value4")

Office Filtering

  • Want to filter results by office? Show only jobs from a specific office or exclude a specific office?
  • Add the office_filter attribute: [greenhouse office_filter="Value1|Value2"]
  • supports single or multiple values, pipe-delimited
  • supports either using the office name OR the office id as the value.
  • supports negated values – Excludes office(s) and only display jobs from elsewhere. (example: office_filter="-Value3")

Location Filtering

  • Want to filter results by location? Show only jobs from a specific location or exclude a specific location?
  • Add the location_filter attribute: [greenhouse location_filter="Value1|Value2"]
  • supports single or multiple values, pipe-delimited
  • supports location text value, since there is no id associated to locations in greenhouse.
  • supports negated values – Excludes location(s) and only display jobs from elsewhere. (example: location_filter="-Value3")

Hiding Forms

  • If you don’t want application forms to display and simply want to display listings, just add the hide_forms attribute
  • ex. [greenhouse hide_forms="true"]

Sort Jobs

  • Want to sort the jobs listed in your job board?
  • Add the orderby attribute to the shortcode.
  • Values allowed: title, date, id, department, office, location and random.
  • For example: [greenhouse orderby="title"]
  • Need to customize the order more?
  • There is an order attribute as well, supported values: DESC (default) and ASC.
  • There is a sticky option as well, force a single job to the top or bottom of the board.
  • Sticky attribute format: ‘top’ or ‘bottom’ followed by a pipe ‘|’ and then the id for the job to stick.
  • For example: [greenhouse orderby="department" order="ASC" sticky="top|18590"]

Group Jobs

  • Want to group the jobs listed in your job board by department, office or location?
  • Add the group attribute to the shortcode.
  • Values accepted: department, office or location.
  • By default the group name will be used as a headline to seperate each group.
  • To omit group headlines, include shortcode attribute: group_headline=”false”.
  • For example: [greenhouse group="department" group_headline="false"

Coming Soon


  • Add filter hooks for customizing output
  • Cleaner, smarter interface
  • Widget
  • Templating for your own layout
Freeon Creator plan
Active installations
Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.