
Business Profile Extra Fields

You need the Five star business profile plugin to use this plugin
Last updated
December 28, 2023
Active installations

You need the Five star business profile plugin to use this plugin

shortcodes [contact-card] Will display name / address / phone

display all [contact-card show_name=1 show_address=1 show_get_directions=1 show_phone=1 show_phone-formatted=1 show_cellphone=1 show_cell_phone=1 show_fax=1 show_whatsapp=1 show_contact=1 show_opening_hours=1 show_opening_hours_brief=1 show_map=1 show_booking_link=1 show_VAT_number=1 show_PROF_number=1 show_bank_account_number=1 show_bank_bicswift_number=1 show_facebook_link=1 show_instagram_link=1 show_twitter_link=1 show_exceptions=1 show_exceptions_short=0 show_exception_range=0]

display none [contact-card show_name=0 show_address=0 show_get_directions=0 show_phone=0 show_phone-formatted=0 show_cellphone=0 show_cell_phone=0 show_fax=0 show_whatsapp=0 show_contact=0 show_opening_hours=0 show_opening_hours_brief=0 show_map=0 show_booking_link=0 show_VAT_number=0 show_PROF_number=0 show_bank_account_number=0 show_bank_bicswift_number=0 show_facebook_link=0 show_instagram_link=0 show_twitter_link=0 show_exceptions=0 show_exceptions_short=0 show_exception_range=0]

Change the 1 to a 0 if you don’t want to display it or 0 to 1 to display Just here to easy copy paste the code

Fields without markup just the value [bpefwp_name] [bpefwp_address] [bpefwp_phone] [bpefwp_cell_phone] [bpefwp_whatsapp] [bpefwp_fax_phone] [bpefwp_ordering_link] [bpefwp_contact] [bpefwp_contact-email] [bpefwp_VAT_number] [bpefwp_PROF_number] [bpefwp_bank_account_number] [bpefwp_bank_bicswift_number] [bpefwp_exceptions] [bpefwp_exception_range]

Links without extra markup but do have a shortcode class for the link [bpefwp_facebook] [bpefwp_instagram] [bpefwp_twitter]

Freeon Creator plan
Active installations
Tested up to
This plugin is available for download to be used on your WordPress self-hosted installation.