Flex your site’s features with plugins

Add new functionality and integrations to your site with thousands of plugins.

81 plugins
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    WP Remote Users Sync
    by Alexandre Froger
    Synchronise WordPress Users across Multiple Sites.
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    WP Fusion Lite - Marketing Automation and CRM Integration for WordPress
    by Very Good Plugins
    WP Fusion Lite synchronizes your WordPress users with contact records in your CRM or marketing automation system.
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    KiotViet Sync
    by KiotViet
    Plugin supports data synchronization between KiotViet and Wordpress (Woocommerce). Synchronous information including products, orders and categories.
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    HFD ePost Integration
    by HFD
    התוסף מאפשר סנכרון בין אתר וורדפרס למערכת המשלוחים HFD.
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    Bizapp for WooCommerce
    by Bizapp Ventures Sdn. Bhd.
    Bizapp integration for WooCommerce.
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    Object Sync for Salesforce
    by MinnPost
    Object Sync for Salesforce maps and syncs data between Salesforce objects and WordPress objects.
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    WordPress Multisite User Sync/Unsync
    by Obtain Infotech
    Sync/unsync users from one site (blog) to the other sites (blogs) in your WordPress Multisite Network.
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    CiviCRM Member Sync
    by Christian Wach
    Keep WordPress Users in sync with CiviCRM Memberships by granting either a Role or Capabilities to Users with that Membership.
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    Offload Media - Cloud Storage
    by Acowebs
    Offload Media - Cloud Storage is a way to transfer your files, media, and images from a WordPress server to online cloud storage, such as Amazon S3, D …
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    by WPCraft
    MoySklad (moysklad.ru) and WooCommerce - sync, integration, connection
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    Database Sync
    by tamlyn
    Sync databases across servers with a single click.
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    CiviCRM Profile Sync
    by Christian Wach
    Keeps a WordPress User profile in sync with a CiviCRM Contact and integrates WordPress and CiviCRM Entities when using Advanced Custom Fields.
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    WooCommerce Fortnox Integration
    by wetail
    Synchronizes all customers, products and orders from WooCommerce to Fortnox. Saves you both sweat and hours of work.
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    Object Data Sync For Salesforce
    by miniOrange
    Salesforce Integration with WordPress, WooCommerce, ContactForm7, and Gravity Forms. Bidirectional Salesforce user sync for WP, memberships.
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    by WPCraft
    amoCRM (https://www.amocrm.com/) and WooCommerce - sync, integration, connection
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    by Newsman
    NewsmanApp, you have the power to streamline your email and SMS marketing efforts. This tool enables you to manage subscription forms, contact lists, …
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    Evernote Sync
    by Gaowei Tang
    The evernote timing synchronization to wordpress.
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    Remove WPML Menu Sync
    by SO WP
    This free WPML Addon removes the WP Menus Sync sub menu from the WPML sidebar menu in the backend.
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    Platy Syncer Woocommerce to Etsy
    by PlatyCorp
    Sync Products, Inventory, and Orders between Woocommerce and Etsy.
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    Conexão Wc Mercado Livre
    by SAFRA - Web Solutions
    Conexão Wc Mercado Livre permite a sincronização automática dos produtos cadastrados no Mercado Livre com os produtos cadastrados no Woocommerce.