
MyBookProgress by Stormhill Media

A WordPress progress tracking plugin to help authors keep track of their progress and communicate with their readers.
Laatst bijgewerkt
February 14, 2024
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MyBookProgress by Stormhill Media

Let readers know about your upcoming book while growing your list and hitting your deadline.


Easy-to-Update Progress Bar Widget

Show off your book’s progress in style. You can add this fully customizable widget to your sidebar or any other “widgetized” area of your WordPress website.

MailChimp Integration

Readers can subscribe to your email list to get book updates in just a few clicks.

Deadline Tracking

Insert your deadline and MyBookProgress will help you stay on track. If you fall behind, MyBookProgress will do the math to tell you how many words/pages/chapters you need to write each day to catch up.

Writing Statistics Dashboard

The statistics dashboard can help you find out which day of the week is your most productive, and much more. Geek out as you track your writing progress with cool charts and graphs.

NaNoWriMo Mode

Are you writing a book as part of National Novel Writing Month? MyBookProgress has a special template to help you get your 50,000 words written.

Social Media Update Generator

Let your readers know about your progress on Twitter and Facebook with just a few clicks.

Blog Update Generator

Did you just finish your rough draft and want to update your readers about passing a milestone? MyBookProgress has a blog post generator button that will automatically start a blog post for you and insert a snapshot version of your book’s progress bar. You have full control over the content of the blog post. Include a sample of your writing or an update about why you are excited about your work in process.

MyBookTable Integration

MyBookProgress integrates with MyBookTable to help you get pre-orders for your book.

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Deze plugin kan worden gedownload, zodat je hem op je zelf-gehoste WordPress-installatie kan gebruiken.