
Spam protection, Anti-Spam, FireWall by CleanTalk

Spambescherming, antispam, all-in-one, premium plugin. Geen spam commentaar & gebruikers, geen spam contactformulier & WooCommerce anti-spam.
Laatst bijgewerkt
June 27, 2024
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Spam protection, Anti-Spam, FireWall by CleanTalk

Top-rated anti-spam protection for WordPress. No CAPTCHA, no questions, no animal counting, no puzzles, no math and no spam bots. Universal AntiSpam plugin.

Anti-Spam features

  1. Stops spam comments.
  2. Stops spam registrations.
  3. Stops spam contact emails.
  4. Stops spam orders.
  5. Stops spam bookings.
  6. Stops spam subscriptions.
  7. Stopt spam enquêtes, polls.
  8. Stopt spam in widgets.
  9. Stopt spam in WooCommerce.
  10. Real-time e-mail validatie. Is e-mail echt of niet.
  11. Controleert en verwijdert de bestaande spamreacties en spam gebruikers.
  12. Compatibel met mobiele gebruikers en apparaten.
  13. Compatibel met de algemene verordening inzake gegevensbescherming (AVG) (EU).
  14. Het blokkeren van wegwerp & tijdelijke e-mails
  15. Geen Spam – Geen Google Sancties. Geef uw SEO boost.
  16. Mobile friendly Anti Spam & FireWall.
  17. Stops spam in Search Form.
  18. Reacties uitschakelen.
  19. Spam FireWall: Anti-Flood.
  20. Spam FireWall: Anti-Crawler.
  21. Hide «Website» field for comments.
  22. Block messages by languages, countries, networks and stop words.
  23. Email Address Encoder – protection for email addresses published on your site.

Gratis proef dan $12 per jaar

CleanTalk is an anti-spam plugin which works with the premium Cloud Anti-Spam service This plugin as a service

Public reviews

It’s more than just a tool to combat spam; it’s an integral component that enhances the overall quality and performance of your website.

Improve Your Security WordPress Spam Protection With CleanTalk Anti-Spam The Hacker News.

CleanTalk – Anti-Spam service op basis van de cloud om uw site botvrij te houden. NewsWatch Review.

Compare reCAPTCHA & Akismet VS CleanTalk

I know you have heard of a number of anti-spam plugins. But you must know, the cloud-based ones are the best regarding detection rate. They compare all the content in forms with their own algorithm to find out the legibility.

Het belangrijkste verkoopargument van CleanTalk is voor mij niet alleen de effectiviteit ervan. Het is het feit dat CleanTalk op de achtergrond werkt. Het zorgt er niet voor dat gebruikers door hoepels springen om een opmerking in te dienen of een formulier in te vullen.

AntiSpam protection for comments

Native spam protection for WordPress, JetPack comments and any other comment plugins. The plugin moves spam comments to SPAM folder or you can set the option to ban spam comments silently. You can also enable the option in the plugin settings to auto-delete comments from SPAM folder.

Spamfilter voor Contact Form door WPForms

Plugin extends Contact Form by WPForms to provide spam protection. It filters spam submissions for each type of forms – simple contact form, marketing form, request a quote and etc.

Elementor Website Builder filter

Plugin extends spam protection for Elementor Website Builder. It filters spam submisssions and tested for contact form type.

Gravity forms spam filter

Plugin extends spam protection for Gravity forms. It filters spam submisssions for any type of forms.

Formidable Form Builder spam filter

Plugin extends spam protection for Formidable Form Builder. It filters spam submisssions for any type of forms – Contact Form, Survey & Quiz Forms.

Contact Form 7 spam filter

Plugin extends spam protection for Contact Form 7 (CF7). It can be used with any other third-party spam filters. How to protect your Contact Form 7 using CleanTalk Anti-Spam plugin

WooCommerce spam filter

Anti-spam by CleanTalk filters spam registrations and spam reviews for WooCommerce. The plugin is fully compatible with WooCommerce 2.1 and higher.

Spam filter for theme contact forms

The plugin blocks spam emails via any theme (built-in ones included) contact forms. The plugin filters spam emails silently (without any error notices on WordPress frontend) in AJAX forms as well.

bbPress spam filter

Spambeveiliging voor alles over bbPress: logins, registraties, forums , onderwerpen en antwoorden.

Other spam filters

  • WordPress Landing Pages.
  • WP User Frontend, UserPro.
  • Ninja forms
  • Contact Form Plugin by Fluent Forms Ninja forms
  • Forminator contact from
  • Newsletters – MC4WP: Mailchimp for WordPress (, MailPoet – emails and newsletters in WordPress (
  • Any WordPress form (checkbox ‘Custom contact forms’).
  • Any submission to the site (checkbox ‘Check all POST data’).

Controleer bestaande commentaren op spam. Bulk spam commentaar verwijderen. Spamcommentaar opschonen.

With the help of anti-spam by CleanTalk you can inspect through existing comments to find and quickly delete spam comments at once. To use this function, go to WP Console -> Comments -> Find spam comments.

Controleer bestaande gebruikers op spam. Bulk spamaccounts verwijderen. Spam gebruikers opschonen

Met behulp van anti-spam door CleanTalk kun je inspecteren via bestaande accounts om spam gebruikers in één keer te vinden en snel te verwijderen. Om deze functie te gebruiken, ga naar WP Console – > Users – > Check for spam. Ook kan je een lijst met spam gebruikers naar CSV exporteren.

Private black lists for anti-spam service

Automatically block comments and registrations from your private black IP/email address list.

Hide «Website» field for comments

This option hides the «Website» field from standard WordPress comments forms. After that spammers won’t be able to send spam links using «Website» field in the bottom of the comments form.

Low false/positive rate

This plugin uses multiple anti-spam tests to filter spam bots having as low false/positive rate as possible.

How does CleanTalk improve SEO for your website?

So, you already know that the speed of the site has a direct impact on SEO.

CleanTalk works faster than most of the other anti-spam plugins. It is common knowledge that the faster your site loads, the better your customer experience is, the better your SEO will be, and the better your site will convert. Speed is becoming increasingly important in SEO, conversion and user experience. Today, site speed is one of the most important ranking factors on Google. A site that loads slowly will lose visitors and potential revenue.

Among anti-spam plugins CleanTalk AntiSpam is one of the fastest. Despite the large plugin functionality, the developers have optimized the performance of the plugin so that AntiSpam by CleanTalk is faster than most analogs. This contributes to the cloud service architecture, as all calculations take place in the cloud, not on the server, the server receives the finished result for further action.

Unlike stand-alone plugins (WP Armour, Antispam Bee, WP Cerber) Anti-Spam by CleanTalk uses less CPU that improves site response, visitors experience and SEO results.

Spam FireWall

Spam FireWall allows blocking the most active spam bots before they get access to your website. It prevents spam bots from loading website pages so your web server doesn’t have to perform all scripts on these pages. Also it prevents scanning of pages of the website by spam bots. Therefore Spam FireWall significantly reduces the load on your web server. Spam FireWall also makes CleanTalk the two-step protection from spam bots. Spam FireWall is the first step and it blocks the most active spam bots. CleanTalk Anti-Spam is the second step and checks all other requests on the website in the moment of submitting comments/registers etc.

How does Spam FireWall work?

  • The visitor enters to your web site.
  • HTTP-aanvraag gegevens worden gecontroleerd in de bijna 5,8 miljoen van de geïdentificeerde IP-adressen van spambots.
  • If it is an active spam bot, the bot gets a blank page, if it is a visitor then he receives a normal page. This process is completely transparent for the visitors.

All the CleanTalk Spam FireWall activity is being logged in the process of filtering.

Spam FireWall: Anti-Flood & Anti-Crawler

Spam FireWall: Anti-Flood and Anti-Crawler options are intended for blocking unwanted bots, content parsing, shop goods prices parsing or aggressive website scanning bots. Learn more

Anti-Spam plugin info

CleanTalk is an all-in-one anti-spam solution for WordPress that protects login, comment, contact and WooCommerce forms at once. You don’t need to install separate antispam plugins for each form. It allows your blog to work faster and save resources.

CleanTalk is a transparent antispam tool, we provide detailed stats of all incoming comments and logins. You can always be sure that there are no errors. We have developed a mobile app for you to see antispam stats wherever you want.

We have developed the antispam for WordPress that protects you from spam bots at the maximum level allowing you to provide your visitors a simple and convenient form of comments/registrations without annoying CAPTCHAs and puzzles. CleanTalk detects spam in multistage tests allowing us to block up to 99.998% of spam bots. The anti-spam method offered by CleanTalk avoids inconvenient for communication methods (CAPTCHA, question-answer etc.), and offers to your site visitors a more comfortable one.

CleanTalk is a premium anti-spam service for WordPress, the plugin works with our own CleanTalk Cloud Service. Anti Spam by CleanTalk offers a free trial, you can look at the pricing here. We provide anti-spam services at the highest level. To maintain this level we cannot afford to offer a free version of our service, as this will immediately affect the quality of the providing anti-spam protection. Paying for a year of anti-spam service, you save a lot more and receive:

  • Maximaal 99,998% bescherming tegen spam bots.
  • Time and resources saving.
  • Meer aanmeldingen/reacties/bezoekers.
  • Spambescherming van de verschillende sites tegelijk in verschillende CMS.
  • Gemakkelijk in installatie en gebruik.
  • Verkeerstijging en loyaliteit aan de gebruikers.
  • 24/7 technische ondersteuning.
  • Wis statistieken.
  • Spam FireWall.
  • No captcha (reCaptcha), puzzles, etc.

How to protect sites from spam bots without CAPTCHA?

The most popular anti-spam method is CAPTCHA – the annoying picture with curved and sloping symbols, which are presented to the visitor to decipher and fill in. In is supposed that spam bots won’t discern these CAPTCHA, but a visitor will. CAPTCHA provokes great irritation, but if the visitor wants to comment, he has to fill in these symbols time after time, making mistakes and starting once again. Sometimes CAPTCHA reminds us of the doodles of a two year old child. For users with vision problems CAPTCHA is an insurmountable obstacle. Users hate captcha. Captcha for users means “hate”. Unreadable CAPTCHA stops about 80% of site visitors. After 2 failed attempts to decipher CAPTCHA 95% of visitors reject further attempts. At the sight of CAPTCHA and after input errors, many visitors leave the resource. Thus, CAPTCHA helps to protect the resource spam both from bots and visitors. CAPTCHA is not a panacea from spam. Doubts concerning the Need for CAPTCHA?

“Ultimately, CAPTCHAs are useless for spam because they’re designed to tell you if someone is ‘human’ or not, but not whether something is spam or not.” Matt Mullenweg

You do not have to work in IT to know what spam is. Besides piles of unwanted email, there are spam bots, or special software programs designed to act as human website visitors that post unwelcome messages over the Internet to advertise dubious services. More often than not spam messages do not even make sense. Similar to bacteria and virus mutations developing antibiotic resistance, spam bots are becoming more resilient in penetrating Internet firewalls and security layers.

Witte Label Modus

To switch the plugin work in the white-label mode you should set up a few settings on your main site in WordPress Multisite Network:

  1. Check setting “Enable White Label Mode”.
  2. Fill “Hoster API Key” field with key from CleanTalk’s hoster panel.
  3. Vul het veld “Plugin naam” in. Het kan elke gewenste naam zijn voor de plugin.
  4. Instellingen opslaan.

De plugin zal alles doet de rest.

Real-time e-mail validatie. Is e-mail echt of niet.

Het is erg belangrijk om er zeker van te zijn dat de gebruiker zijn echte e-mailadres gebruikt. Spambots gebruiken vaak valse e-mailadressen, d.w.z. welke adressen er niet bestaan.

CleanTalk zal het bestaan van e-mailadressen in real time controleren.

Ook niet-bestaande e-mailadressen brengen voor site-eigenaren een aantal andere problemen met zich mee.

  • Je kunt nooit per e-mail contact met hen opnemen,
  • de klant zal nooit meldingen van je ontvangen (activeringsbrief, wachtwoord herstel, e-mail distributie, meldingen, etc.),
  • als je e-mailmarketing voor je klanten gebruikt, kan een groot aantal niet-bestaande e-mails op de mailinglijst ertoe leiden dat je IP-adres wordt toegevoegd aan verschillende zwarte lijsten van e-mailservers.

Improve your email list with email validation without fake emails.

Het blokkeren van wegwerp & tijdelijke e-mails

Blokkeer nep- en verdachte gebruikers met tijdelijke e-mails om de aflevering van e-mails te verbeteren. Het voorkomt dus ook kwaadaardige activiteiten, spam bots en internettrollen.

Stops Spam in Search Form

Spam bots kunnen je zoekformulier gebruiken om een GET aanvraag te doen met spam tekst. CleanTalk Anti-Spam heeft de mogelijkheid om je site zoekformulier te beschermen tegen spam bots. Elke keer genereert de zoekopdracht een nieuwe pagina en als er veel verzoeken zijn, kan dit een extra belasting veroorzaken. Dus, onder bepaalde voorwaarden, kunnen spam-zoekopdrachten worden geïndexeerd, wat van invloed is op SEO,

  • Spam FireWall blokkeert de toegang tot alle site pagina’s voor de meest actieve spambots. Het verlaagt de belasting en het verkeer van je webserver gewoon door dit te doen.
  • Anti-Spam protection for website search forms repels spambots.
  • Als je zoekformulier te vaak gegevens krijgt, zal de CleanTalk Anti-Spam plugin een pauze toevoegen en deze bij elke nieuwe poging om gegevens te verzenden verhogen. Het bespaart je webserver processor tijd.
  • Spam protection allows you to not forbid indexation for the crawler bots if you really need it but simultaneously you will get protection from spambots.

Je weet altijd waar gebruikers op je site naar op zoek waren.

Reacties uitschakelen

This option disables comments on your site. You can choose one or several options:

  • Schakel reacties uit voor berichten
  • Schakel reacties uit voor pagina’s
  • Schakel reacties uit voor media

When using Disables comments, existing comments will not be deleted and will remain on the pages.

Email Address Encoder

CleanTalk Anti-Spam offers a feature called “Encode contact data” that is designed to encode all email addresses on the website pages. Encoding the email addresses increases the level of protection of contact data from being abused, parsed, getting spammed and used in spam mailing lists by bots and online criminals. To reveal the encoded email address simply click on it and it will be decoded instantly.

Will the anti-spam plugin protect my theme?

Yes, it will. The Anti-spam by CleanTalk is compatible with any WordPress theme.

Should I use other anti-spam tools (Captcha, reCaptcha and etc.)?

CleanTalk stops up to 99.998% of spam bots, so you can disable other anti-spam plugins (especially CAPTCHA-type anti-spam plugins). In some cases several anti-spam plugins could conflict with each other, so it would be …

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Deze plugin kan worden gedownload, zodat je hem op je zelf-gehoste WordPress-installatie kan gebruiken.