Pas de functies van je site aan met plugins

Voeg nieuwe functionaliteit en integraties toe aan je site met toegang tot duizenden plugins.

50 plugins
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    Make Column Clickable Elementor
    door Fernando Acosta
    Simpel: gebruikers toestaan om op de hele kolom te klikken in plaats van individuele elementen
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    Admin Columns
    Customise columns on the administration screens for post(types), pages, media, comments, links and users with an easy to use drag-and-drop interface.
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    Kolom Shortcodes
    door Codepress
    Gebruikt shortcodes om makkelijk kolommen in je berichten of pagina's toe te voegen.
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    Equal Height Columns
    door MIGHTYminnow, Mickey Kay, Braad Martin
    Easily equalize the height of columns or any collection of elements.
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    TemplatesNext ToolKit
    door TemplatesNext
    This plugin adds portfolio, team/members, itrans slider, testimonials post type along with shortcodes for Portfolio, Testimonials, Image Sliders, Team …
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    Genesis Widget Column Classes
    door Jory Hogeveen
    Adds Genesis column classes to widgets.
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    Advanced Post Manager
    door The Events Calendar
    Turbo charge your posts admin for any custom post type with sortable filters and columns, and auto-registration of metaboxes.
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    ACF Columns
    door Thomas Meyer
    With the ACF Columns plugin it is possible to arrange ACF fields in column groups in the post editor
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    Gridable - The Missing Grid Content Editor
    door Pixelgrade
    Gridable — The Missing Grid Content Editor
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    Sortable Word Count Reloaded
    door Apasionados
    Adds a sortable column to the posts and pages admin list with the word count of each page/post.
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    Featured Image Column
    door Austin Passy
    Adds a column to any post type edit screen with the featured image if it exists.
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    Three Column Screen Layout
    door Chad Hovell
    Three, four and five column screen layouts for the post editor.
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    WEN Responsive Columns
    door WEN Themes
    Easily display columnized content in your pages or posts.
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    LJ Multi Column Archive
    door Jon Smith
    LJ Multi Column Archive is a Wordpress plugin/widget that allows you to display your archive list with multiple columns.
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    Timeline Express - Single Column Add-On
    door Code Parrots
    Enable a 'single-column' parameter in Timeline Express to display timelines in a single column.
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    Column Separator for Beaver Builder
    door Pratik Chaskar
    Column separator for Beaver Builder.
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    WC Restore the Purchased Items Column in Orders Page
    door Rynaldo Stoltz
    This plugin restores the “Purchased Items” column in the orders page.
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    Responsive Table Layout
    door Maarten Menten
    This WordPress plugin provides an easy and user friendly way to make your site's content more responsive.
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    HH sortable ID columns
    door Vladimir Sklyar
    Sortable ID columns for all standard data types in WordPress admin panel.
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    Post Admin Word Count
    door Jon Bishop
    Adds a sortable column to the admin's post manager, displaying the word count for each post.