
Block Editor Search & Replace

Effortlessly search and replace text within the Block Editor's content area, with full support for the Classic Editor.
Laatst bijgewerkt
April 19, 2024
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Block Editor Search & Replace

Effortlessly search and replace text within the Block Editor’s content area, with full support for the Classic Editor.

Elevate your editing experience with our Block Editor Search & Replace plugin!

Designed to seamlessly integrate into the WordPress environment, this plugin allows you to swiftly locate and replace text within the Block Editor.

Block Editor Search & Replace is engineered to cater to both modern and traditional workflows, offering full compatibility with the Classic Editor.


After installing and activating Block Editor Search & Replace, a new meta box labeled Search & Replace will be accessible in your page or post editing screen. Here’s how it works:

  1. Enter your search phrase to instantly highlight matching keywords within the content.
  2. Input your desired replacement text and click the Replace button to execute the change.
  3. Adjust settings on-the-fly, toggling the highlighter and case sensitivity options as needed.
  4. Use the Reset button to remove any custom HTML tags created by the highlighter, restoring the text to its original state.


Block Editor Search & Replace enhance your productivity with these streamlined features:

  1. Search & Replace: A familiar, intuitive search and replace functionality.
  2. Highlighter: Visual cues highlight all search hits, making editing more efficient.
  3. Case Sensitivity: Flexibility to conduct case-sensitive or insensitive searches and replacements.
  4. Classic Editor Support: Full backward compatibility ensures seamless integration with the Classic Editor.
  5. Full-text Management: (To Be Added)

Convenient User Settings

While Block Editor Search & Replace doesn’t have a separate settings page, all configurations are conveniently located under Settings > Search & Replace. This includes:

  • Toggle support between Block (Gutenberg) and Classic editors.
  • Extend functionality to WooCommerce Products and all registered Custom Post Types.
  • Manage these settings and more directly from the Settings > Search & Replace page for streamlined control.


The step-by-step setup, usage, demos, video, and insights can be found on Block Editor Search & Replace.


As of yet, this plugin doesn’t have a commercial version available.

Gratisop Creator abonnement
Door te installeren, ga je akkoord met de Servicevoorwaarden van en de voorwaarden voor plugins van derden.
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Getest tot
Deze plugin kan worden gedownload, zodat je hem op je zelf-gehoste WordPress-installatie kan gebruiken.