Tips for Writing Clear Prompts
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Tips for Writing Clear Prompts

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Precision is the key to unlock ChatGPT’s potential. By being exact in what you ask, you’re essentially setting the stage for a performance. If you’re unclear or wavering, it’s like sending an actor on stage without their script. They’ll do their best, but it might not be the show you expected. On the flip side, with clear instructions, ChatGPT can deliver a stellar performance, tailored to your needs.

Let’s learn some useful tricks to get straight to the point, so you can get the best out of your AI assistant.

Being specific

General or vague questions can lead to general, vague, or incorrect answers. By honing in on exactly what you want to know, you guide ChatGPT to a more precise answer.

When you interact with ChatGPT, being specific means giving detailed and exact information in your prompt. This is essential because ChatGPT relies on the clarity of your question to generate a relevant and accurate response.

For instance, if you ask a broad question like, “Tell me about animals,” ChatGPT might provide a very general response because it’s not clear what specific information you’re seeking. Are you interested in a particular type of animal, animal behavior, habitat, or conservation efforts? The response could go in many different directions.

Instead, if you ask, “What are the primary behaviors of African elephants during the dry season?” you are being much more specific. This detailed question guides ChatGPT to focus on a particular animal (African elephants), a specific aspect (behaviors), and a defined time (the dry season). As a result, ChatGPT can provide a more focused and relevant answer.

Being specific helps you get the most useful and precise information from ChatGPT. It’s about making your question as clear and detailed as possible to guide ChatGPT towards the exact type of answer you’re looking for.

Here’s another example:

Vague Prompt:

“Write something about space.”

This prompt is broad and undefined. ChatGPT could interpret it in numerous ways, leading to a general piece about any aspect of space, from astronomy to space travel.

Instead of addressing outer space or astronomy, ChatGPT could interpret the prompt to write about the importance of personal space in human psychology or the design of living and working spaces in architecture. This illustrates how a lack of specificity can lead ChatGPT to explore a completely different subject than what might have been intended.

Specific Prompt:

“Write a short article on the challenges of long-duration human spaceflight, focusing on psychological effects.”

This prompt is much more specific. It guides ChatGPT to not only write about space but narrows the focus to a particular aspect: the challenges of long-duration human spaceflight, specifically concentrating on the psychological effects. This ensures the content created by ChatGPT is closely aligned with your intent.

Avoid double meanings

As noted above, words with multiple interpretations can trip up ChatGPT. Being explicit in your meaning can lead to clearer results.

Language is tricky! Many words have more than one meaning. For instance, “bat” could refer to the creature that flies at night or the equipment used in baseball. Or “wing” could refer to the one on an airplane, or the one on a bird. While humans often use context to distinguish between such meanings, ChatGPT can occasionally get confused.

To get the most accurate responses, try to avoid words that might have multiple interpretations or provide enough context to clarify your intent. It’s like giving ChatGPT a map with a clear path highlighted.

Less effective: “Tell me about the date.”

More effective: “Can you provide information on the fruit called ‘date’?”

Setting context

Giving ChatGPT a bit of background or context can often help get a more tailored response.

Every good story has a setting, and your prompts to ChatGPT are no different. Providing context is akin to laying out the background scene for a play. It helps ChatGPT understand the larger picture and respond accordingly. Whether you’re asking about historical events, seeking advice on a topic, or looking for a joke, a little bit of background can make a big difference in the response you get. Consider it as giving ChatGPT a sneak peek into your thought process.

Less effective: “Why was that treaty important?”

More effective: “Why was the Treaty of Versailles important after World War I?”

Another example:

Less effective: “Give me some marketing tips.”

This prompt is broad and lacks specific context. ChatGPT could interpret this in numerous ways, leading to general marketing advice that may not be relevant to your particular needs or industry.

More effective: “Provide marketing tips for a small online bakery startup focusing on artisan breads.”

This prompt gives clear context. It specifies the type of business (“small online bakery startup”) and the product focus (“artisan breads”). This additional information allows ChatGPT to tailor its response with marketing strategies suited specifically for a niche bakery business, providing more relevant and useful advice.

Learning check-in

Why should you avoid using words with multiple meanings in prompts?

Correct! Double meanings can lead to unclear answers from ChatGPT.

Oops! Swing and a miss! Remember, the goal is to make sure ChatGPT understands you the best it can. You can click Reset below to try again.

Do you have suggestions for how we can improve this lesson? Let us know in the Education Community Forum↗︎.

Learning Action

Objective: To practice transforming vague prompts into clear, specific, and context-rich ones for more effective use of ChatGPT.

Instructions: Take each original prompt below and refine it following the guideline provided. Write down your refined prompts. Compare them to the examples provided or use them in ChatGPT to see how specificity and context improve the responses. The goal is to enhance clarity to get more precise answers from ChatGPT.

Broad to Specific:

  • Original Prompt: “Tell me about a well known leader.”
  • Your Task: Refine this prompt to make it more specific. Think about a particular leader, time period, and aspect of their leadership you are interested in.
  • Example of Refined Prompt: “Describe the leadership style of Mahatma Gandhi during the Indian independence movement.”

Clarify Double Meanings:

  • Original Prompt: “Tips on improving windows.”
  • Your Task: Clarify this prompt to remove ambiguity. Specify whether you’re asking about enhancing the Microsoft Windows operating system or about home window maintenance.
  • Example of Refined Prompt: “What are some ways to optimize performance in Windows 10?”

Adding Context:

  • Original Prompt: “What caused the financial crisis?”
  • Your Task: Add necessary context to specify which financial crisis you are referring to. Is it the global crisis of 2008, a different historical event, or a specific country’s economic crisis?
  • Example of Refined Prompt: “What were the primary causes of the 2008 global financial crisis?”

The Art and Science of Prompting

Examples of Good vs. Bad Prompts

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