Examples of Good vs. Bad Prompts
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Examples of Good vs. Bad Prompts

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Ever heard the saying “Learning by doing?” By examining real-life examples, you’ll get a handle on what makes a prompt work and where they often fall flat. Let’s dive into the world of crafting great prompts. 

Analyze and refine

To truly master the art of crafting effective prompts, you need to analyze, understand, and refine. By breaking down examples, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of what works and what doesn’t.

1. Researching a historical figure

Less Effective: “Tell me about that guy who invented the light bulb.”

More Effective: “Can you provide details on Thomas Edison’s invention of the light bulb?”

Explanation: While the first prompt might yield an answer about Thomas Edison, it leaves room for ambiguity. There were other inventors around the world who contributed to the development of the light bulb. The refined prompt specifies not only the person (Edison) but also narrows down the topic to Edison’s involvement with the light bulb. This specificity guides ChatGPT towards the exact information you’re seeking.

2. Seeking book recommendations

Less Effective: “I need a book to read.”

More Effective: “Can you suggest a science fiction novel with strong female protagonists?”

Explanation: The first prompt is open-ended and could result in any kind of book recommendation. The second prompt is clear about the genre and character preference, ensuring that the recommendation will be tailored to the user’s specific interests.

3. Generating ideas for a food blog post

Less Effective: “Give me a blog topic about food.”

More Effective: “I’m looking to write a blog post about unique vegan desserts from around the world. Can you provide a breakdown of five such desserts with their countries of origin and main ingredients?”

Explanation: The first prompt is too general. While it does ask for a topic about food, ChatGPT might come up with a wide range of suggestions, which might not align with what you had in mind. The revised prompt narrows down the request to a specific niche within food blogging (vegan desserts) and even provides a format for the desired output (a breakdown of five desserts).

4. Crafting a historical blog post introduction

Less Effective: “Write an intro about the Renaissance.”

More Effective: “I’m working on a blog post highlighting the influence of the Renaissance on modern art forms. Could you help me craft an engaging introduction that briefly touches upon the main artistic achievements of the Renaissance era?”

Explanation: The initial prompt is vague; “Renaissance” is a broad topic, and the intro could end up being generic. The second prompt sets a clear direction for the introduction, focusing on the influence of the Renaissance on modern art. By specifying the angle (artistic achievements) and the context (modern art forms), ChatGPT can generate content that aligns more closely with the intent for your blog post.

As we analyze these examples, the pattern becomes clear: clarity and precision help in guiding ChatGPT to provide detailed, accurate, and relevant responses. The aim is to balance curiosity with clarity, allowing room for ChatGPT to provide comprehensive answers without getting lost in too much detail or wandering off-topic.

Common pitfalls

Recognizing common mistakes can help you avoid them in your own prompts.

1. Being too vague:

One of the frequent challenges users face when prompting ChatGPT is being overly general. It’s the reason we’ve covered it so much in this course. By now, hopefully you’re seeing the importance and way forward of being clear and specific.

Pro Tip: Think of the key aspects you want to touch on in the response and include those in your prompt. The clearer and more specific you are, the better ChatGPT can match your expectations.

2. Assuming ChatGPT knows context that is not given:

It’s easy to forget that even though ChatGPT is sophisticated, it doesn’t remember past interactions or have the ability to infer context outside of the current prompt. If, for instance, you’ve been researching French history and suddenly ask, “What about the famous painting?”, ChatGPT won’t know you’re referring to the Mona Lisa or any other historical French artwork unless explicitly mentioned.

Pro Tip: Each interaction with ChatGPT should be self-contained. If a question builds upon prior knowledge or a previous topic, include a brief recap to ensure clarity.

3. Using jargon or complex terms without explanation:

While ChatGPT has been trained on a vast amount of information, including niche topics and specialized fields, there can be instances where using overly technical terms without context can lead to overly general answers or misinterpretations. For example, asking, “What’s the importance of cleavage?” could either get a geological answer about mineral breakage, or something related to fashion and clothing.

Pro Tip: Whenever you’re delving into specialized fields or topics, provide a sentence or two of context. If you’re asking about a niche concept, a brief definition or background can help ChatGPT understand better and provide a more accurate response.

4. Asking leading questions:

Sometimes, the way a question is phrased might inadvertently lead the AI towards a particular answer. If you ask, “Isn’t it true that…?”, the AI might be biased towards affirming the statement.

Pro Tip: Keep your questions neutral. Instead of leading with your own assumptions or opinions, aim for objectivity to get a balanced response.

5. Expecting human emotions or morality:

ChatGPT doesn’t have feelings, emotions, or a moral compass. If you ask it how it “feels” or expect it to make a moral judgment, the answer will be based on patterns from its training data, not genuine emotions or ethical considerations.

Pro Tip: Frame your questions to seek information or perspectives rather than feelings or moral judgments.

6. Overloading with multiple questions:

Throwing in multiple questions within a single prompt can sometimes lead to incomplete or unclear answers, as the AI tries to address all the queries at once.

Pro Tip: Keep your prompts focused. If you have multiple questions, it’s often better to ask them one at a time for clearer and more detailed responses.

7. Not specifying the desired format:

If you’re looking for a specific type of answer, like a summary, a list, or a detailed explanation, but don’t specify the format, ChatGPT might not deliver the answer in your preferred style.

Pro Tip: Clearly indicate if you want a concise summary, a bullet-point list, or any other specific format in your prompt.

Each of these pitfalls highlights the importance of crafting your prompts with clarity and context in mind. By understanding and navigating these challenges, you can enhance the effectiveness of your interactions with ChatGPT or any other AI assistant.

By being aware of these pitfalls and actively working to avoid them, you can better harness the potential of ChatGPT and similar AI models.

Learning check-in

Which of the following prompts is likely to get a more accurate and specific response from ChatGPT when trying to gather information about a famous artist’s influence on modern art?

Exactly! The first option provides both context and specificity. It names the artist (Leonardo da Vinci), narrows down the topic to his influence on modern art, and asks for specific details about how his work has shaped current techniques. This precision guides ChatGPT toward the exact information being sought.

Oops! Looks like that wasn’t the golden ticket. Remember, the key is in the details! Crafting a precise and specific prompt is like adding just the right amount of spice to a dish — it makes everything taste better. Give it another whirl and see if you can cook up the right answer! You can click Reset below to try again.

Do you have suggestions for how we can improve this lesson? Let us know in the Education Community Forum↗︎.

Learning Action

Practice isn’t only about repetition; it’s about evolution and understanding. Each time you craft a prompt and evaluate its effectiveness, you’re honing your skills, fine-tuning your approach, and gaining deeper insights into what works and what doesn’t. This iterative process is akin to sculpting; each attempt chips away the excess, bringing you closer to a clear, concise question — your masterpiece. 

Below, we present several vague prompts. Try enhancing each one for clarity and specificity. Once you’ve given it a shot, expand the block to see our suggested refinements. Remember, there’s no definitive ‘right’ way, but with practice, you’ll develop a keen sense for creating impactful prompts.


Vague prompt: “Tips for gardening?”

Refinement suggestion

“What are the best practices for gardening in a humid climate, specifically to prevent mold growth and protect delicate plants?”

Vague prompt: “What is the importance of branding?”

Refinement suggestion

“Why is branding considered a critical element in business strategy, especially for small businesses trying to establish a strong market presence?”

Vague prompt: “What are the benefits of exercise?”

Refinement suggestion

“What are the physiological and psychological benefits of incorporating regular cardiovascular exercise into a weekly routine, and how does it enhance overall well-being?”

Blog posts

Vague prompt: “Tips for a successful blog?”

Refinement suggestion

“I’m planning to write a blog post about strategies for successful blogging in the lifestyle niche. Specifically, what are the top strategies for driving organic traffic to a lifestyle blog in 2024? I’d like to cover search engine optimization, the role of social media, and the importance of email marketing.”

Vague prompt: “How to make photos look good?”

Refinement suggestion

“I want to write a blog post for beginner photographers focusing on post-processing. What are the best post-processing techniques for portrait photography using Adobe Lightroom? Please delve into color correction, skin retouching, and the effective use of presets.”

Vague prompt: “Ideas for healthy recipes?”

Refinement suggestion

“I’m creating a series on healthy eating for my blog readers. For my next post, can you provide a detailed guide on creating a Mediterranean diet plan for a week? It’d be great if you could include breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack ideas, as well as nutritional benefits associated with each meal.”

Product descriptions

Vague prompt: “How to describe a shoe?”

Refinement suggestion

“I have an online store specializing in athletic footwear. I’m listing a new trail running shoe that’s lightweight, water-resistant, and has enhanced grip for rocky terrains. Can you help me craft a compelling product description that highlights these features and appeals to avid trail runners?”

Vague prompt: “Wording for a handcrafted bag?”

Refinement suggestion

“I’m featuring a new line of handcrafted leather messenger bags on my website. These bags are made using sustainable materials and feature multiple compartments, adjustable straps, and vintage brass buckles. Could you provide a detailed description that emphasizes the craftsmanship, functionality, and sustainability of the product?”

Vague prompt: “How to talk about a new [tech gadget]?”

Refinement suggestion

“I’m introducing a multifunctional smart home device on my tech store that integrates with various home systems, offers voice recognition, and has energy-saving features. I want a product description that communicates its advanced technology, user-friendliness, and the convenience it brings to daily life. Can you help?”

These refined prompts are designed to be specific, directing ChatGPT to provide a more in-depth and focused response. They’re also just examples to give you an idea of how to get specific. As you work with real-world prompts, keep this practice session in mind and refine based on what makes sense for the outcome you’re looking for.

Don’t forget about AI hallucinations. Even with specific prompts, make sure to fact check the information. AI isn’t about enabling you to write about topics that you’re not familiar with, it’s about enhancing your writing regarding topics you know well.

Tips for Writing Clear Prompts

Crafting Prompts

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