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Create Your Site

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Are you ready to put the pedal to the metal? This Create Your Site course is going to work you through decision making processes, configuring your main settings, creating pages and understanding the planning process, editing and customizing your content, and what comes next.

It covers everything from A to Z for a basic website setup, and then some.

If this is your first website, it’s a good idea to read through the materials first, then go back through them to complete the steps. If you’ve already completed some of the steps we cover here (maybe you’ve already been through the Quick Launch course, or have an existing site), go ahead and jump to specific lessons using the menu in the left sidebar (on mobile it’s a collapsed menu at the top of the screen).

Wherever you are in your website creation journey, this course is packed with instructions to get you hands-on and to the next level.

Before you start

Before we dig in, remember to keep our Resources section in mind. You’ll find the link in the right sidebar of every lesson. This section of our learning hub covers a range of information, including a glossary, FAQs and more, that is beneficial for all website creation journeys regardless of what you’re building or why.

WordPress is a dynamic, open source software that loves to keep us all on our toes with updates. These updates can bring changes to how things look and work, and from time to time there might be some differences you come across in our lessons. Take a look at our Help center or Support guides for more resources, whenever you notice that something may have changed.

Most links throughout our learning hub will open in the same tab, unless they include an arrow like this: ↗︎ If you prefer to open links in a new tab rather than leaving the lesson you’re on, press and hold the Control key on your keyboard (Command on Mac) then click the link.

When you come across images, look for outline circles on the images. They’re tooltips that will help to identify sections of the images. If they don’t have tooltips, they can be enlarged by clicking on them, or right click and open in a new tab.

Also, please be sure to fill out our surveys. Each survey allows you to choose which course you’re completing the survey for, so you can fill them out for every single course you take if you like (which would be wonderful). We keep them short and the information you provide in these surveys helps us with several things:

  • We get a better understanding of your starting point
  • It provides clarity on what your needs and expectations are
  • It helps us assess if we’re meeting your needs and expectations
  • It guides us in improving and expanding the resources we’re providing to help you
  • It allows us to provide feedback to our developers for product improvements

Thank you in advance for helping us, to help you.

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Inside this course

  • First steps: From the sign-up process, through understanding and choosing a domain, hosting plan, and theme, this module guides you through how to make the right decisions for your website needs.
  • Setting up your website: This module is where you’ll really roll-up your sleeves and dig in with your site settings, creating pages, editing templates, working with menus, and customizing styles. 
  • What comes next? This module sets you up for future success with a deep look into the theme switching process on an existing site, as well as where to go from here.
  • Feedback and Discussion: This section is all about you. You can leave comments to start discussions with other students taking this same course. We also hope that you’ll help us out by completing our end of course survey provided in this section, it’s how we learn to improve meeting your needs.

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