
Sensei Interactive Blocks

Add interactive videos, accordions, image hotspots, quiz questions, flashcards, and task lists to any WordPress page or post.
최근 업데이트일
July 5, 2024
Sensei Interactive Blocks preview image
Sensei Blocks provides an array of interactive blocks you can add to any page or post.
With Interactive Videos, you can transform your lessons into engaging experiences by incorporating quizzes, pause points, forms, and other interactive elements directly into your videos. Upload videos directly to WordPress or embed them from YouTube or Vimeo.
The Quiz Block enables you to add multiple-choice, true/false, short answer, and ordering questions to your content and provide immediate feedback based on a user's answer.
The Accordion Block provides a clean and organized way to display a list of items, with one item expanded at a time. Each item has a header and collapsible content, making it an ideal choice for presenting large amounts of information.
Image Hotspots allow you to add hotspots to images, revealing additional customizable content when a user hovers over the hotspot.
Create interactive and engaging flip cards with the Flashcard Block. Flashcards can be used for a variety of purposes, such as educational content, marketing landing pages, language learning, vocabulary building, and more.
The Task List Block enables you to create checklists of items that users can tick off as they complete them, providing a visual representation of their progress.
The Sensei Blocks is perfectly integrated with Sensei LMS, it enables you to create engaging and interactive course content, assessments, and quizzes. But even if you don't use Sensei LMS, these blocks can be used independently to add interactive elements to any page or post on your website.
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프리미엄 플러그인 관리는 온전히 WordPress.com의 몫입니다. 보안 패치나 업데이트 요청을 받는 일 없이 편하게 사용하세요.

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유연한 요금

연 단위로 결제하고 할인받으세요. 아니면 프리미엄 플러그인 월간 요금제를 이용하여 유연하게 결제할 수도 있습니다. 여러분의 상황에 맞게 선택하세요.