
One Time Login

Use WP-CLI to generate a one-time login URL for any user
최근 업데이트일
October 18, 2023
활성화된 설치 항목

Need access to a WordPress install but don’t want to create a new user account? Use this plugin to generate one-time login URLs for any existing user. Then, copy the URL, paste it into your web browser, and… voila!

Because they are one-time login URLs, they will only work once. If you need access again, you’ll need to run the WP-CLI command again.

Using WP CLI to generate OTT URLs


wp plugin install one-time-login --activate && wp user one-time-login <user> --count=3 --delay-delete

After you run the command above, you’ll see a success message like this:


Or like this if you asked for more than one:

http://wpdev.test/wp-login.php?user_id=1&one_time_login_token=2b9c6f5d71d51d530e397ee9da3b50e4e3dd06e7 http://wpdev.test/wp-login.php?user_id=1&one_time_login_token=90897da439a116c613fc1c49c372e6b1f7c72ad8 http://wpdev.test/wp-login.php?user_id=1&one_time_login_token=68c8074743de849db606500c3caa39a7432dc601<h3>Parameters</h3>

* count: Generate more than one login token (default: 1); * delay-delete: Delete existing tokens after 15 minutes, instead of immediately.

Using WP API to generate OTT URLs

Example with cUrl

curl -X POST \ http://wpdev.test/wp-json/one-time-login/v1/token -H 'authorization: Basic YWRtaW46eFRQeUJ5c3hEckhkY3BNYjE2endiQ2tj' -H 'cache-control: no-cache' -H 'postman-token: 8dcfa79a-401a-2c7d-c593-703e683ce785' -d '{ "user":"admin", "count": 3, "delay-delete": true }'<h3>Parameters</h3>

Just as with WP CLI, you can add the count and delay_delete parameters to your call.

Feel free to file issues and pull requests against the project on Github.

무료Creator ���금제에서
활성화된 설치 항목
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