
No-Bot Registration

Prevent bots from creating accounts by blacklisting domains and usernames and present people with a human friendly security question.
최근 업데이트일
July 7, 2024
활성화된 설치 항목
No-Bot Registration

Tired of spam bots in your WordPress and ClassicPress website? Do you want to get rid of false registrations and other spammy nonsense? Don’t wan’t to use a clumsy and user-unfriendly Captcha? Don’t want to use a Captcha from Google or other big-tech company period?

Meet No-Bot Registration, easy to use, superior protection without making it hard for your visitors. Easily blacklist (partial) email addresses and domains so they can no longer register an account. \ Create one or more questions and a set of possible answers for them and visitors have to answer your question when they register. If they answer wrong, they get denied their account.

Questions can be as simple as “1 + 1”, with possible answers being 1, one or uno. That way you can plan for eventualities and how people interpret your question.


  • Protect registration forms
  • Protect the WooCommerce checkout form if you let people register from there
  • Protect your blog comment form
  • Prevents comment spam, trackback spam and other nuisances with ease
  • Set up multiple security questions to further confuse bots
  • Blacklist any email, domain or tld you don’t like
  • Configurable notification messages for users failing the security tests
무료Creator 요금제에서
활성화된 설치 항목
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