

135 プラグイン
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    Table of Contents Plus
    投稿者: Michael Tran
    A powerful yet user friendly plugin that automatically creates a table of contents. Can also output a sitemap listing all pages and categories.
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    White Label CMS
    投稿者: www.videousermanuals.com
    Customise dashboard panels and branding, hide menus plus lots more.
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    WooCommerce Multilingual & Multicurrency with WPML
    投稿者: OnTheGoSystems
    WooCommerce と WPML を使用すれば、完全な多言語 E コマースサイトを運営できます。
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    List category posts
    投稿者: Fernando Briano
    List Category Posts allows you to list posts by category and many other parameters in a post, page or widget. You use the [catlist] shortcode to selec …
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    Essential Content Types
    投稿者: Catch Plugins
    Essential Content Types allows you to feature the impressive content through different content/post types on your website just the way you want it.
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    Rich Table of Contents
    投稿者: CROOVER.inc
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    MAS Static Content
    投稿者: MadrasThemes
    MAS Static Content is a free plugin that allows you to to create a custom post type static content and use it with shortcode.
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    HTML Page Sitemap
    Adds an HTML (Not XML) sitemap of your pages (not posts) by entering the shortcode [html_sitemap], perfect for those who use WordPress as a CMS.
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    Hyyan WooCommerce Polylang Integration
    投稿者: Hyyan Abo Fakher
    Given that I am not using Wordpress these days and I haven't really been using WooPoly for a while. I am looking for maintainers to take over thi …
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    Simple Post Type Permalinks
    投稿者: Toro_Unit
    Easy to change Permalink of custom post type.
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    PublishPress Permissions: Control User Access for Posts, Pages, Categories, Tags
    投稿者: PublishPress
    With PublishPress Permissions you can enable or deny access to posts, pages, categories, tags and more. You can apply these permissions for user roles …
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    List categories
    投稿者: Fernando Briano
    Simple plugin to display categories in any post or page with a shortcode.
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    Admin Management Xtended
    投稿者: Oliver Schlöbe
    Adds AJAX-driven options to some admin management pages with CMS-known functions without having to open the edit screens.
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    Restrict Widgets
    投稿者: dFactory
    All in one widgets and sidebars management in WordPress. Allows you to hide or display widgets on specified pages and restrict access for users.
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    Page Excerpt
    投稿者: Jeremy Massel
    This plugin adds the same functionality of the excerpt feature in posts to pages.
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    Slick Sitemap
    投稿者: Pengbo Tang
    Adds a Slick HTML (Not XML) sitemap of your site by entering the shortcode [slick-sitemap], easy and flexible to configure, no coding needed, perfect …
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    Powerful Posts Per Page (PPPP)
    投稿者: Toro_Unit
    Posts per page for custom post types and taxonomies.
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    投稿者: Matthew Boynes, Union Street Media
    Insanely easy and attractive custom post types, custom post meta, and custom taxonomies
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    CMS Page Order
    投稿者: Bill Erickson
    Change the page order with quick and easy drag and drop.
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    More Types
    投稿者: Henrik Melin, Kal Ström
    Adds any number of extra Post types, besides Post and Page, for the WordPess Admin. Also allows for special editing rights for specific User roles for …