

10 プラグイン
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    Unbounce Landing Pages
    投稿者: Unbounce
    Unbounce is the most powerful standalone landing page builder available.
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    Instapage Plugin
    投稿者: Instapage
    Instapage plugin - the best way for WordPress to seamlessly publish landing pages as a natural extension of your WordPress blog or website.
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    Nelio AB Testing
    投稿者: Nelio Software
    A/B Testing, conversion rate optimization, and beautiful Heatmaps specifically designed for WordPress.
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    A/B Testing for WordPress
    投稿者: CleverNode
    Easiest way to create split tests on your WordPress sites, right from the content editor!
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    Simple Google Content Experiments
    投稿者: Team Forleo
    This plugin allows you to insert Google Analytics Content Experiments code into your site.
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    Convert Experiences
    投稿者: Convert
    Convert Experiences provides advanced A/B and MVT Testing functionality for your website or blog.
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    ABtesting.ai - Landing Page Optimization
    投稿者: ABtesting.ai
    Automate your landing page A/B testing by using AI.
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    Altis Accelerate
    投稿者: Altis DXP
    Supercharge your WordPress blocks. Accelerate increases your sites engagement by extending WordPress blocks with marketing and AI capabilities.
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    Landing Lion Landing Pages
    投稿者: Landing Lion
    Landing Lion is the easiest and fastest landing page builder to create landing pages for your brand.
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    press9 A/B Testing
    投稿者: Mark DiMarco
    press9-ab-testing lets you create A/B tests from press9's test designer and run the test within WordPress.