
Simple Catalog for WooCommerce

Turn your WooCommerce store into a simple online catalog or alternatively, only allow store access to customers once they're logged in.
Ultimo aggiornamento
February 14, 2024
Installazioni attive
Simple Catalog for WooCommerce

Simple Catalog for WooCommerce turns your WooCommerce store into a simple online catalog site.

WooCommerce is a fantastic eCommerce plugin, but sometimes you might only want to showcase your products rather than sell them. This plugin allows you to use the power of WooCommerce to manage all your products whilst hiding the eCommerce functionality like the Add to Cart Buttons, Prices, Ratings and the Cart & Checkout pages from your customers.

Later on, when you decide you’re ready to sell your products online, simply disable this plugin and all your WooCommerce functionality will return.

Simple Catalog for WooCommerce allows you to:

  • Hide the Add to Cart button

  • Hide the Product Price

  • Display a message to your customers when hiding the Product Price along with adding a link to one of your pages

  • Hide the Product Ratings

  • Hide the Product Reviews tab

  • Hide the Cart page

  • Hide the Checkout page

You’re able to hide the above WooCommerce features from all users or just hide them from users who haven’t logged in.

For use with WooCommerce 2.6 and above.

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Installazioni attive
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Questo plugin è disponibile per il download da usare sulla tua installazione WordPress ospitata personalmente.