
NIF (Num. de Contribuinte Português) for WooCommerce

This plugin adds the Portuguese NIF/NIPC as a new field to WooCommerce checkout and order details, if the billing address / customer is from Portugal.
Ultimo aggiornamento
July 25, 2024
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NIF (Num. de Contribuinte Português) for WooCommerce

This plugin adds the Portuguese VAT identification number (NIF/NIPC) as a new field to WooCommerce checkout and order details, if the billing address is from Portugal.


  • Adds the Portuguese VAT identification number (NIF/NIPC) to the WooCommerce Checkout fields, Order admin fields, Order Emails and “Thank You” page;
  • It’s possible to edit the customer’s NIF/NIPC field on “My Account – Billing Address” and on the User edit screen on wp-admin.
  • NIF/NIPC check digit validation (if activated via filter, or block option)
  • WooCommerce High-Performance Order Storage compatible
  • WooCommerce Checkout Block compatible (in beta)

Are you already issuing automatic invoices on your WooCommerce store?

If not, get to know our new plugin: Invoicing with InvoiceXpress for WooCommerce

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