Easily add expand and collapse functionality to any WordPress theme. No coding skills required! Beautifully simple UI. Save space with this plugin for …
Ultimo aggiornamento
October 14, 2014
Installazioni attive
Expand + Collapse Funk

Video Demo


  1. Beautifully simple UI
  2. Easy to access custom tinyMCE button
  3. Easily add images and YouTube video to hidden content area
  4. Input direct links to images or YouTube videos
  5. Quick placement of expand+collapse items
  6. Use on pages and posts (or copy and paste the code to use in theme templates)
  7. Use HTML markup inside the hidden content area
  8. Mobile/Responsive Ready
  9. Use in sidebar (inside of a ‘Text’ widget)
  10. SEO friendly hidden content
  11. Great Support

If you want to include Expand+Collapse Funk you can use the following code anywhere in your Theme: (remember to swap out the Link and Hidden Content for your content)

<div class="exp-col-content-holder"><a class="expand-cnt-link" href="#">This Is The Link To Click</a> <div class="hidden-content"> <p class="hiddenContentp">This is all of your hidden content. This will be invisible at first, but after clicking on the link above this will slide in.</p> </div> </div>

Using Expand+Collapse Funk allows for very easy placement of collapseable content and a link to reveal the content. The expand and collapse functionality is widely used across the web to free up space on a page or to place semi-important content into posts, pages or into the sidebar. There is no limit to the length of the collapseable content. Easily include images, YouTube/Vimeo videos or anything else you could imagine.

I originally built this plugin for the marketing department at my full time job, so a simple UI and ease of use was kept in mind throughout development.

Have an idea, question, concern or found a bug? Get In Contact With Me!

Gratuitosul piano Creator
Installazioni attive
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Questo plugin è disponibile per il download da usare sulla tua installazione WordPress ospitata personalmente.