This plugin has been made to easily handle classes and teachers informations on a Wordpress website.
Ultimo aggiornamento
October 25, 2013
Installazioni attive
Easy Classes

Easy Classes provide custom post types for teachers and classes, with a lots of custom categories used to automatically generate a schedule with all the published classes. There can be up to 2 classes present at the same hours on the schedule. You create as you wish the classes, the days, the teachers, the times etc.



On the schedule page in the administration, all you have to do is choosing the colours for the different classes and save your changes. Then generate the schedule code, copy it, and paste it into a page or post in the “text” editor (not the visual). Save the post/page and display it : the schedule appears (its look can differ depending on your theme).


Any valid HTML colour will work ! You can now enter values like #FF6857, ‘MediumOrchid’, rgb(255,0,0), they will all work. If you don’t know HTML colours, no problem, 150 colours name are provided with the plugin in order for you to choose one. You can write the colours names provided with or without capital at the beginning. Without capital it will only ask you to confirm, click ok. It works. Be careful of mistakes, any name not found in the 150 colours provided is allowed after a confirmation. So if a colour doesn’t appear, enter it again properly, it may be caused by a typo.


Only a french translation for the plugin exists by now, so, if you enter non-english or non-french days, you may notice they don’t appear in the right order in the schedule. You can now order them just as you like under “Days” at the top of the schedule admin panel. Don’t use it if the days are already properly ordered.


The schedule will only use what you have created (title,day,hours,teacher,room), but to be correctly generated, your classes need to have at least :

  • a title (doesn’t cause errors, but without the title the schedule won’t make any sense)
  • a starting hour, smaller than the ending hour
  • an ending hour, bigger than the starting hour

If the starting hour is bigger than the ending hour, the class won’t be displayed.

If the starting hour is equal to the ending hour, the class will display in the box with the starting hour you’ve checked. For e.g. you’ve checked “08:00” for both hours, the schedule will display the class at “08:00 / next hour registered “

If you’ve checked an ending hour but not a starting one, the class will be displayed all through the day until the ending hour.

If you’ve checked a starting hour but no ending one, the class won’t be displayed.

Neither will it be displayed if you have checked no hour at all.

Thanks for using this plugin, I hope you’ll enjoy it and that it will help you managing better your site.

Gratuitosul piano Creator
Installazioni attive
Testato fino alla versione
Questo plugin è disponibile per il download da usare sulla tua installazione WordPress ospitata personalmente.