A ladder and tournament plugin for eSports, physical sports, board games, and other online gaming leagues.
Terakhir diperbarui
June 8, 2024
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Use this plugin to create a gaming community with your own tournaments, ladders, competitor challenges, and more. Ladder standings (or “leaderboard”) track points, wins, losses, [optionally] draws, games played, win streak, and win percent. Tournament brackets support single elimination head-to-head competitions. Tournamatch also includes match challenges, player profiles, team profiles, ladder and tournament rule pages, match lists, and a player dashboard for managing everything.

Using Tournamatch, you create ladder or tournament events and allow registered users to self-serve. Registered users can create their own teams, join other teams, accept or decline join requests, drop team members, and send email or user team invitations; users can send match challenges; users or admins report, confirm, or dispute match results; ladders and tournaments will update automatically when match results are confirmed.

This plugin includes many pages and shortcodes with user-facing components. You should expect to restyle those using the WordPress Backend -> Appearance, Customize -> Additional CSS page.

Need support or have a feature request? Please reach out to us here on the WordPress.org forums, on Twitter at @tournamatch, on Facebook at Tournamatch, or visit our website at www.tournamatch.com.

Gratisdi paket Creator
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Diuji hingga
Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.