Beautiful, Simple, Project Portfolio's for WordPress, using the latest Semantic UI.
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July 25, 2024
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Project Pages

v2.0 Release Imminent!

Hold onto your hat, v2.0 of Project Pages will be released in the next two weeks, check out to see the full reboot details.

Join the waitlist to get emailed when it’s live!

Project Pages are beautiful, no-nonsense portfolio pages for WordPress.

Leverage your work: We all have projects. We burn through them. Clients, hobbies, artwork. There’s so much value in sharing what we’ve created.

I’ve written Project Pages to solve this personal pain point: Quickly and beautifully display past projects in a way that promotes sharing and user-engagement.

Project Pages Benefits:

  1. Simple & Practical: Easily add projects/portfolio items and share them
  2. Free: Too many of these portfolio plugins/themes, suck, (and cost premium prices)
  3. Proper WordPress Templates: Totally editable for those who know their way around WordPress
  4. Pretty URLS, Semantic-UI, and OG-Meta Ready: Properly written WordPress Permalinks, Design Powered by the wonderful Semantic UI, for easy beautiful pages, and SEO ready like the best of them

My Example

I’ve been making plugins for almost a decade. I’ve made over 30. I wrote Project Pages so that I could display a past portfolio of my works.

You can see that portfolio, running Project Pages, here:

Project Pages: Full feature list

  • Core Features

    • Display your Portfolio of “projects” beautifully, without fuss
    • Easy Project Management (Add, edit, manage)
    • Uses the modern, slick, Semantic UI
    • Super simple install
    • Project Logs (New for v1.2)
    • Colour Options (New for v1.2)
  • Benefits

    • 2 minute install
    • Stand-alone at
    • Ready to be translated into your own language (Translation ready)
    • Fully modify via theme template files
    • Tag Archives for your projects
    • Related Projects (based on tags)
    • Widget Enabled footer
    • Includes Social Sharing Buttons
    • Facebook & Twitter Sharing
    • Stylish Project Cover Images (or colours)
  • And always:
    • Zero feature bloat
    • Modern, clean code, designed to perform
    • Works out-of-the-box
    • Regular, free updates
Gratisdi paket Creator
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