Listicle plugin, lets you create paginated lists where every item in a bulleted list generates a post
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June 26, 2013
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Add multiple posts that can be viewed as a slide show using next / previous buttons out of a single list while editing only one post in your admin panel. This lets you generate listicles ( “In journalism and blogging, a listicle is a short-form of writing that uses a list as its thematic structure, but is fleshed out with sufficient verbiage to be published as an article. A typical listicle will prominently feature a cardinal number in its title, such as “10 Ways to Warm Up Your Bedroom in Winter”,[1] or “25 Hairstyles of the Last Hundred Years”,[2] with subsequent subheadings within the text itself reflecting this schema. The word is a portmanteau derived from list and article.”


  • Create lists on the fly, each list item with its own navigation
  • SEO-friendly pages for each list item
  • Manage multiple posts from within a single post
  • Generate better page views using lists
  • Promote your listicles and list items individually on all your favorite social sites and on
Gratisdi paket Creator
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Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.