
Knowledge Base – Excellent Documentation and FAQs Plugin with AI Assistance

Easily organize your knowledge base documentation, FAQs, and wiki with rich features and AI Writing Support.
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July 7, 2024
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Knowledge Base – Excellent Documentation and FAQs Plugin with AI Assistance

Our Knowledge Base plugin is a powerful documentation tool that helps you create and organize your documentation, FAQs, and articles. It’s easy to use and includes many features to help you build a visually appealing Knowledge Base.

Designed with a modern and professional appearance by default, it also offers numerous customization options to align with your brand’s identity. Features include premade designs, popular articles, a Table of Contents (TOC), FAQs, a navigation sidebar, analytics, and customizable archive pages.

Our Knowledge Base is optimized for search engines. See our documentation for details on how this is achieved. The plugin supports multilingual and RTL languages, ensuring accessibility for an international audience. Our articles are responsive and retina-ready, ensuring your knowledge base looks great on all devices.

Examples of Included Professional Layouts * Basic Layout here * Tabs Layout here * Drill Down Layout here * Classic Layout here * Category Focused Layout here

Lihat dokumentasi pustaka kami di sini


✅ Fast search bar with listed results

✅ Five levels of hierarchical documentation

✅ Article view counter with Popular and Recent Articles (NEW)

✅ FAQs Module and Shortcode (NEW)

✅ Professional layouts including Basic, Tabs, Category Focused, Classic (NEW) and Drill Down (NEW)

✅ Customizable Category Archive Page

✅ Articles with breadcrumb, back button, navigation, print button, TOC and more

✅ Navigation sidebar listing categories and articles

✅ AI Content Writing Like ChatGPT


  • Set up in minutes
  • Organize your documentation by team, product, and service using the Tabs Layout
  • Order articles and categories alphabetically, chronologically, or in any other order using drag and drop.
  • Optimized for the best SEO results to enhance online visibility
  • Counts your Article Views and displays Popular and Recent Articles
  • Analytics to track your Knowledge Base usage
  • Supports RTL languages, WCAG accessibility standards, and works with WPML and Polylang
  • Responsive design that works with any theme and mobile devices
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Module and shortcode.
  • Articles Index Directory shortcodes. Learn More
  • Change typography (font family and size) for article and category names, TOC, breadcrumbs, and more.


  • Check your spelling and grammar with GPT.
  • Verify spelling and grammar, and generate article outlines.


  • Choose from 26 professional pre-made designs – no coding required.
  • Enjoy a variety of colors, styles, and layouts.
  • Switch between designs with a single click.
  • Choose from Basic, Tabs, Category-Focused, Classic, Drill Down, Sidebar, or Grid layouts.


  • Compatible with Elementor and Gutenberg Blocks
  • Works with Beaver Builder, Divi, Visual Composer, and others.


The free Help Dialog Chat plugin offers a chatbot-like dialog for better customer support and increased leads and sales. The Help Dialog Chat shows FAQs, search, and a contact form. Learn More

✅ Why Choose Echo Knowledge Base?

  • It’s an easy-to-use plugin for your WordPress website.
  • Choose from ready to use professional designs.
  • Match your theme with a simple visual Editor, no coding required.
  • Organize your articles and categories into five levels of hierarchy.
  • All essential features are free, plus get access control and more with add-ons.
  • Friendly and timely support from our team.

🚀 PRO Features

  • Kontrol akses dan izin berdasarkan grup, pengguna dan peran WordPress, serta peran khusus.
  • Kontrol artikel publik dan pribadi serta siapa yang dapat membaca, menulis, dan menyunting artikel.
  • Create unlimited Knowledge Bases with separate articles, categories, tags, and more.
  • Import and export articles and categories using CSV and XML.
  • Buat tata letak Bilah Sisi dan Kisi.
  • Vote on articles, add a feedback form, and learn from analytics.
  • More widgets and shortcodes for categories, popular articles, and the search bar.
  • Replace articles with links to PDFs, external docs, video links, and more.
  • Saring pencarian berdasarkan kategori.
  • Gunakan analisis pencarian lanjutan untuk menentukan pencarian yang paling populer dan tanpa hasil.
  • Migrate, create and copy articles and images from your Knowledge Base.



Bundel PRO Lihat Bundel PRO kami.

Pengelola Akses Pengelola Akses memungkinkan administrators, perusahaan, dan organisasi untuk mengontrol dan melarang akses terhadap Pustaka pribadi mereka berdasarkan akun pengguna WordPress. Memberikan izin menggunakan peran dan grup.

Tata Letak Elegan Tata Letak Elegan menambahkan tata letak Kisi dan Bilah Sisi. Gunakan Tata Letak Kisi atau Bilah Sisi untuk Halaman Utama Pustaka atau kombinasikan tata letak Dasar, Tab, Kisi, dan Bilah Sisi dalam berbagai cara. Pelajari Lebih Lanjut.

Unlimited Knowledge Bases Create Multiple Knowledge Bases, one for each product, service, topic or department. Each Knowledgebase has separate articles, URLs, KB Main Page and admin screens. Learn More.

Pencarian Tingkat Lanjut Tingkatkan pengalaman pencarian pengguna dan lihat analitik pencarian termasuk pencarian populer dan pencarian tanpa hasil. Pelajari Lebih Lanjut.

Article Rating and Feedback Enable users to provide valuable feedback on your articles. Collect analytics on the most and least rated articles. Learn More.

Widget Tambahkan Pencarian Pustaka, Artikel Terbaru dan Widget lainnya serta Kode Pendek ke artikel Anda, bilah sisi, dan halaman. Pelajari Lebih Lanjut.

Custom Links for PDFs and More Set Articles to link to PDFs, pages, posts and websites. Learn More.

Articles Import and Export Import and export articles and their content, comments, categories, tags, and attachments. Migrate and copy articles between KBs. Edit articles outside of WordPress. Learn More.

  • (PRO) Grid Layout here
  • (PRO) Sidebar Layout here
  • (PRO) Links here



✅ The Help Dialog Chat offers a chatbot-like dialog for better customer support and increased leads and sales. The Help Dialog Chat includes FAQs, search, and a contact form. Learn More

✅ The Creative Add-Ons for Elementor helps you write articles and documents faster and more easily using our powerful and practical Elementor widgets. Learn More

Show IDs reveals IDs on admin screens, including posts, pages, custom post types and taxonomies, and others. Learn More

✅ The Content Down Arrow is coming soon.

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Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.