
Patreon Connect: Patron Discount

Offer your loyal patrons a reward with a discount on their cart total, shipping total or product totals.
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June 26, 2017
Patreon Connect: Patron Discount

Offer your patrons a discount on your Woocommerce! shopping cart. This is an extension to the Patreon Connect wordpress plugin. There are a few different methods to offer discounts to your patrons inlcuding a cart discount, cart shipping discount or a product level discount. The user must be active patrons to receive an automatically applied discount to the cart or the product.

Patreon Connect allows users to login to your websites with Patreon. You can restrict access to content by setting a default contribution level. You control who can see what.

Gratisdi paket Creator
Diuji hingga
Plugin ini tersedia untuk diunduh dan digunakan pada instalasi di WordPress yang dihosting sendiri.