Perbanyak fitur situs Anda dengan plugin

Tambahkan fungsionalitas dan integrasi baru ke situs Anda dengan ribuan plugin.

32 plugin
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    Best Quiz Plugin for WordPress: WP Quiz
    oleh MyThemeShop
    WP Quiz is a completely FREE quiz plugin that will let you create endlessly customizable and highly professional quizzes for your WordPress site.
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    AnsPress - Question and answer
    oleh Rahul Aryan
    A free question and answer plugin for WordPress. Made with developers in mind, and highly customizable.
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    Yes/No Chart
    oleh kohseiworks
    This plugin provides the function to create a set of questions to answer with "yes / no (/or other)". Yes/Noチャートを作れるプラグインです。
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    FAQ Block
    oleh Jordy Meow
    Very simple and clean Gutenberg Block for FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions).
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    Question Answer
    oleh PickPlugins
    Create Awesome Question and Answer Website in a Minute
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    CM Answers - Powerful WordPress Forum Plugin
    oleh CreativeMindsSolutions
    Enables users to post questions and answers with our Q&A plugin for WordPress.
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    WP No-Bot Question
    oleh Compdigitec
    Simple question that blocks most spambots (and paid robots) by making them answer a common sense question
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    Question answer
    oleh Mideal
    Question-answer, ajax, bootstrap, gravatar avatar plugin with email notification and Google reCaptcha 2. It looks like a chat.
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    oleh Binny V A
    Quizzin lets you add quizzes to your blog. This plugin is designed to be as easy to use as possible. Quizzes, questions and answers can be added from …
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    WP doodlez
    oleh Robert Kolatzek
    Everyone knows doodle It's a cute plattform to poll, to find the best meeting date or place, to make a decision with many people.
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    SS Quiz
    oleh SSVadim
    With this plugin administrator can easily and fast create complicated tests and user can't relax, answering this questions.
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    WP DS FAQ Plus
    oleh Kimiya Kitani
    WP DS FAQ Plus is the plugin which was improved based on WP DS FAQ 1.3.3.
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    Survey Plugin - Quiz, Question, Pull Builder For WordPress
    oleh Forhad
    Create an unlimited survey and display with a fancy popup on your WordPress website.
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    Simple Q&A
    oleh jon4god
    Simple Plugin to let your users ask questions.
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    WP Spam Question Filter
    oleh Seravo
    This plugin fights comment and registration spam on your website.
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    oleh Martin Mozos
    Create Surveys for WordPress.
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    oleh Bauc
    WPQuiz allows you to add a simple quiz/questions to any post/page
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    Simple FAQ
    oleh Slawomir Jasinski - SpiderSoft
    Simple FAQ gives you ability to create very simple FAQ on your site (questions and answers)
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    Get answer
    oleh Oleksandr Ustymenko
    A game where you can ask a question and get an answer to it. The answer is fictitious and shouldn’t be accepted a factual.
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    Give Me Answer Lite
    oleh Siavash Ebrahimi
    The plugin features the ability for users to ask and answer questions similar to Stack Overflow or Yahoo Answers.